| the hours I look after you |

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A/n: uwaahh tysm for 5k reads!!! Like I said schools been a pain in the ass lol but Imma still try to upload consistently so :D 

| author pov 

After placing xiao down he began rethinking his decisions. Aether knew nothing of how to cure an adeptus not to mention he needed it badly. The traveler first thought to head to baizhu but what would be the chance of him having any idea on how to cure him. 

Aether: "xiao please hold on, I'll be back for you soon.. I promise" 

With that the blonde left his serenitea pot, where xiao was asleep, to see zhongli. Aether quickly made his way to the city, his heart besting outside of his chest. 

Every breath was painfully executed, however he sprinted with only one goal in mind... he felt so useless. Xiao could be dying and yet he can't even help him. 

Meanwhile, when xiao had fallen asleep before aether left. The dark haired male was placed into a dream, at first it felt like he was trapped. Unable to move. 



Until he felt a warm hand on his cheek, the hand felt soft and comforting. Slowly the air around him became more breathable the darkness faded into a light all thanks to one person. 'Aether.. i-' 

The adeptus took time to appreciate his beauty, the way his long blonde hair swayed in the mysterious wind. His pale yellow eyes that reminded him of sweet flower... 

And as the yaksha brought the boy into an embrace, the smell of fresh qingxin flowers never failed to please him. Xiao felt safety and security being in his lovers arms, and yet a voice in his head saying that its just 'a dream', his own 'fantasy'. 

And yet even after all these voices he still didn't want to leave the blonde's side, because he truly believed that aether could take his pain away. Xiao let go only to see aether dissappeared leaving behind butterflies in his path. However before his accension he whispered these words. 

Aether: "don't use me as comfort, don't use me an excuse- after all of this is over you'll be left all alone~" 

Xiao was in denial, aether couldn't have meant it right?! A demon took aethers place one that was large.. it's perky large size covered the white area and filled it with darkness again. 

The yakshas dream had come to an end. 




In liyue, however the same feeling of relaxation cannot be said the the blonde traveller. Aether dashed around after looking for zhongli every place he could seek. It took ages and he was breathless, however xiao was his priority.. even if his chest cramped even if his body felt tired, even if there was swept dripping on his forehead- he'd have it all just to know that xiao was safe. 

Aether: "z-Zhongli.. it's x-xiao"

The traveller talked in quick words, he was so out of breath it felt like ages just to convey a few words across to the other male. Zhongli was quite quick to assume the worst had happened, xiao wasn't one to get hurt so he knew that this was something serious. 

He darker hair male hadn't already suspected what it was, in that case he already had the medicine with him. Zhongli stood up and went with aether back to the inn. 

After entering the serenitea pot, the blonde reached xiao's aid. His body was heating up by the minute, and he was awake all throughout it. Zhongli approached the adeptus. 

Zhongli: "xiao. I've told you this one too many times." 

The blonde could feel the dissapointment from the older males body, his expression quite stern. 

Zhongli: "you overwork yourself, you forget to take your medicine. It leaves you vulnerable to things like this" 

Xiao:" I'm fine i- aah-!" 

The yaksha cried in pain as he got up. 

Aether: "xiao please rest, you're hurt!!" 

Aether lowered the other males body, trying to comfort him. Yet xiao tried to deny the affection, he wanted to prove that he was fine, and again failed. 

Zhongli: "I've had enough of these excuses. You're taking it wether you like it or not" 

The yaksha gave in to the scolding, he drank the pill down with water. The bitter taste lingered in his mouth and travelled down xiao's throat. 

Zhongli had lectured xiao for another 5 minutes, aether had gone outside so he couldn't hear it. 

Zhongli left the residence soon after. Aether went to check on the other male, he ran up and embraced him. Once again xiao felt that comfort that he had in his dream but it was real and no one was there to take it away.

Aether: "xiao.. please be okay, you worry me.." 

The adeptus felt a guilt wash over him, he always made aether worry about him. Not that he minded,  and yet xiao never repays him. 

Xiao leaned away from the embrace, he lifted up aethers chin slightly and gently placed his lips on the blonde. Aether had missed this form of affection, the traveller had gone on to deepen the kiss and allowing xiao to wrap his arms around his neck. However due to the lack of oxygen the adeptus pulled away first. 

Xiao: "I don't want to make you worry about me, I promise that I'll be okay" 

The yaksha placed his head on aethers chest and had ended up falling asleep that way. Aether enjoyed every moment of it, the way xiao's lips were parted slightly allowing him to breathe. His hair that fell over his eyes, aether placed his lovers hair behind his ears taking, in more of his beauty. 

Aether stroked his fingers through the yakshas hair, it felt soft and smooth, a feeling he was used to by now. 

The blonde had fallen asleep with the adeptus in his arms.... morning once again appeared at the speed of light, and yet the two were still asleep. Aether was big spooning xiao, the adeptus awoke due to the fate light seeping in through the curtains. 

He sat on his bed remembering the events of last night. After getting in trouble with zhongli it was difficult to escape another lecture. 

Yet as he moved a hand dragged him down. Aether had latched onto xiao's hand, the adeptus and aether were now face to face next to each other. 

The raven hair avoided eye contact but aether put a hand on his cheek with intention. Xiao was bought in for a kiss, it was unexpected but enjoyable. 

The yaksha was getting breathless and quickly broke away. 

Xiao: "Aether wait i-" 

Xiao was pulled in once again, at this moment in time he was sure he was running out of oxygen. 

Aether: "there there, i don't want you passing out on me" 

It was a long day ahead..

A/n: SEE I TOLD YOU I COULD GET IT DONE!! Oh also on the chapter named | my love for you.. | i noticed that I made a mistake by missing out a bit of the story and I added smth called ⚠ chapter prologue ⚠ at the start to just update yall so if you want to you can go read the chapter again and hopefully it makes sense. 

Word count: 1210

♢ to a world without you ♢ | xiao x aether |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt