♢ merry Christmas 2021 ♢

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A/n: Konnichi-wassuuuuppp bestie's your favourite gingerbread baking writer taru here and ummm MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS THANK YOU FOR AN AMAZING YEAR!! Everyone is so supportive and we've had lots of fun and stress making this story possible we both want to wish you a merry Christmas and Happy new year!! Enjoy the oneshot!!

( modern au, college au)

| author pov 

Xiao and aether lived in an apartment not too far from their college. They've been best fiends since high school. Aether works in a cafe near the school meanwhile xiao works at a fancy restaurant in the centre of town. 

From when the dark haired male first layed eyes on aether, he felt a blush dust it's way onto his cheeks. However he never had the courage to tell the other how he feels. He didn't want to ruin the years of trust and loyalty he has built up with the blonde to go to waste. So xiao bottles up his feelings. 

| 2 hours after school finished | 

Kazuha: "do you have some free time? I want to visit that restaurant in town" 

The blonde had finished his homework and he had a day of, so an evening with kazuha shouldn't be that bad right? 

Aether: "I'll go I'll go.."

It was 7pm and kazuha was about to go pick aether up outside of his apartment. The blonde wasn't wearing anything too over the top he didn't want to stand out, he wore a plain white shirt with jeans and a black jacket with a fluffy hood. 

Kazuha arrived on time and let aether sit in the passenger seat, another male accompanied them. 

Chongyun: "yahooo" 

The blonde was startled as he felt arms grab onto his shoulders. 

Aether: "you scared me chongyun.." 

The blue haired boy smiled as they drove off. They booked the last hour of the day at 9pm seeing as though it was cheaper. 'Crap isn't he working today' Aether thought, he didn't want to see xiao at work.. not that he disliked him but the embarrassment. 

It was an hour before their reservation so they walked around town. Christmas time was beautiful at night it was the 24th and everything was busy, however the lights still looked beautiful. 

The group arrived back at the restaurant and were given a table by a waitress. The women placed the menu down and the boys began examining their options. 'Aaaa. . Everything looks so expensive I feel bad by making kazuha pay for it' 

Aether: "kazuha i-"

Kazuha: "Aether hush, as much as you feel bad about the prices this is my treat, plus my mum owns a banking company I'm sorta loaded" 

Aether still wondered how kazuha still goes to a regular school with the sort of money he has. 

Chongyun: "must be nice swimming in cash" 

Kazuha nodded. They finished ordering and someone came up to the table, aether was looking outside not paying attention to what was being said until. 

?¿?: " your order if I may?" 

That voice... the blonde recognised it all too well.. he looked over I'm front of him.. it was xiao.. 'HOLY SHIT IS HE WEARING A CORSET' Aether became as red as a tomato.. aether couldn't look him in the eyes at all. Xiao's uniform consisted of a black corset, black trousers, white long sleeved shirt and a tie. 

Aether: "i- ill h-h-ave the tomato soup please.." 

Xiao had left the table and was talking to one of the chefs. Aether noticed his sleek figure, how his hair flowed at any sudden movement.. God he wanted the dark hair male in his arms. Aether shook of the erotic thought. 

After kazuha had paid xiao approached the table once more. 

Xiao: "should we go home aether?" 

Aether was still nervous. He can't even look at the male yet hear his raspy voice. 


Aether: "surprising as it seems, he's my.. roommate" 

The two looked at the blonde in shock. Kazuha leaned over and whispered in the males ear. 

Kazuha: "you let this hottie live with you, you must have high standards.." 

Aethers face flushed red once again. 

Xiao: "you're not very quiet.." 

Kazuha and chongyun left esrly so that they'll leave them some "alone time". on the way home the snow was falling slowly. Aether couldn't stop staring at xiao, not only his uniform but the glisten in his amber eyes were beautiful to the blonde. 

Xiao hadn't worn a coat he was shivering in cold. The blonde offered his jacket. 

Xiao: "I don't want you falling sick okay, plus we're near the apartment anyway" 

Aether: "you look like your already sick" 

They finally reached home. The blonde unlocked the door. The darker hair male let out a high pitched sneeze. 

Aether: "bless you!" 

The blonde noticed xiao's red cheeks from the cold, actually even in the restaurant he had been looking ill. 

After getting changed xiao walked over to the living room. 

Aether: "hey xiao are you-?" 

The other male latched on to the blonde in an act of desperation. 'He's shaking' Aether set him down on the couch and caressed his hair. The raven hair had gotten a fever. 

| the next day  (Christmas morning) | 

Xiao awoke  to see the blonde next to him his eyes were half open. 

Aether: "morning sleepy head.." 

'HE HAS A DEEP MORNING VOICE.. OH GOD' Xiao's head was filled with unanswered questions. For some reason xiao didn't question that aether slept next to him at all. After aether prepared xiao some medicine they opened up their gifts. 

Xiao recieved a necklace from aether, the blonde helped put it on and quickly realised how close he was to the other males face. 

Aethers gift were crystalflies, they were rare.. 

Xiao: " I thought they'd look good in your hair.." 

Xiao placed the crystalflies in the blonde's hair.. they truly looked perfect on him. 

Xiao: "I know it's not much and that yours was more expensive but i-" 

Before he could say another word the blonde smashed his lips against the other males. Xiao let out a whine from the sudden movement. Aether let go and smiled at the other. 

Aether: "your the best gift I could ever possibly have.." 

Xiao : "why did you- your gonna get sick now.." 

The blonde embraced xiao 

Aether: "it doesn't matter as long as you're here with me" 

The end :) 


Word count: 1096

♢ to a world without you ♢ | xiao x aether |Where stories live. Discover now