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A/n: Konnichi-wassuuuuppp bestie's your favourite xiao haver writer taru here and few woods of wisdom from yours truly. I joined a day after xiao's birthday.. im pissed. BUT UMMM YK WE SHOULD BE HAPPY FOR THIS OCCASION :D 

|| photographer au || 

| author pov 

Aether had been a world famous model, girls pined over him every chance they got, it was kind of hard for him not to be in every magazine. Xiao on the other hand was a photographer, quite a famous one at that, however he much liked working by himself so he was rarely commissioned on team sessions. 

One day the dark hair male was slouching over in his desk, he had soon fallen asleep. Until a figure approached him. 

???: "hey ummm.. excuse me" 

The sleeping male showed no response so the other tried again, this time lightly shaking him. 

???: "excuse me.." 

Finally a response was given when the dark hair male got up with a groan. 

Xiao: "ahhh, what do you want?"

???: "you're the photographer in requested 2 weeks ago." 

Xiao hadn't even taken a look at the male and was already fed up. 

Xiao: "so you must be.." 

One look at him was already enough to fill the dark haired males head with answers. 

Xiao: "pfft!! Your joking right?!?!" 

The blonde looked at the other in confusion 

Xiao: "how much did your agency pay to get me?" 

Aether: "oh no, my agency didn't pay for this I did.." 

The raven hair looked up at the blonde from his work station. 

Xiao: "aren't you here for a magazine shoot.. well I mean if you were you'd have more people with you." 

The boy stood up and took him to one of the shoot rooms that was rented out. 

Aether: " my agency did pay for this photo shoot however I payed for the other one" 

'The other one' What does he mean by that..? Xiao pondered the question. Soon later more people arrived to help arrange the models clothes and poses. 

As xiao took the pictures he took notice of the boys features, how his blonde hair reached down his back, and his golden eyes were so bright they filled the entire photo. 

For what felt like an eternity, xiao ended up enjoying his job, something that he hasn't done long before. Even when he started he felt as if something was missing but thought nothing of it, yet taking photos of the young male appealed to him. 

Finally that response reached his thoughts. What did he mean by he payed for the 'other one' xiao asked in confusion. 

Xiao: "sorry if memory serves me right, you said you had paid for the other one.. what did you mean by that?" 

The blonde boy laughed to himself. 

Aether: "your joking right?! You had agreed to this?" 

Xiao tried to retrace his mind but nothing came up. 

Aether: "you agreed to the Italy photoshoot?" 

The dark hair male started at the other in complete disbelief. 

Xiao : "I- what?!?!" 

The dark haired male was at loss for words. He then remembered that night.. he was sitting at his dining room table on his laptop when he had recieved a lot of money. He didn't look at what he was signing up for, xiao was just staring at the money. 

Xiao: "ohhh.. so that's what that was-" 

| 1 month later | 

The payment xiao paid  recieved payed for his flight and accommodation. The male entered the room to find one large bed. The place was quite normal nothing out the ordinary. However an hour later into his unpacking a figure stood behind him. 

Aether: "I thought this was my room.. guess thereally has been a mistake." 

The raven hair turned around to find the blonde. 

Xiao: "you did this on purpose?" 

Aether: "well no.." 

The male made his way for the door. 

Aether: "and where do you think you're going?" 

Xiao: "to pay for another room!" 

The blonde grabbed the others wrist and insisted on him staying. The two had worked out that they would sleep on opposite sides of the bed, there was only one after all. 

Night soon approached and they headed to sleep after taking showers. 

Soon enough the dark hair male drifted to sleep. He turned facing the others back in his sleep. Aether however couldn't fall into a slumber so quickly, as he turned he realised him and the other were face to face. A blush ran over the blondes face. 

Aether admired how his hair fell over his eyes, how his mouth was slightly parted. 'He wouldn't mind right?' Aether thought to himself. He quickly but gently wrapped an arm around the sleeping male, and soon enough they were both unconscious. 

That morning xioa had scolded aether, but there was worse to come. 

| 2 months later 

Xiao spent 3-4 weeks taking pictures of aether when they went to Italy.. however soon xiao began to gain feelings and it was quite obvious.. they began dating soon after, however their relationship was long-distance due to aethers model life. 

And yet aether made xiao happier then ever.. 

♢ the end ♢ 


word count: 904

♢ to a world without you ♢ | xiao x aether |Where stories live. Discover now