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Lunchtime is my favorite part of the entire day. It's the only time of day I get to see Maya at school for longer than a few seconds. Sometimes we'll pass each other in the hallway on the way to our classes, muttering hello before we continue on with our day, but lunchtime I get a whole uninterrupted forty minutes to stare mindlessly at her, and damn, does she look good today.

Normally I hate the heat. Arizona is the worst possible place to live, but the one thing I am grateful for is that for most of the time it's hot all year round, and that means I get to see Maya's legs almost all year round.

And I know, I sound like a complete Neanderthal, but I can't help it. I could stare at her for hours and never get bored.

Eagerly trying to get my food, I go to grab a tray and tap Cameron on the shoulder. "Yo, why weren't you on the game last night?"

He almost never misses a day to go online, but lately it seems like he's hardly ever on. He seems distracted today, constantly looking over his shoulder before he shrugs and says, "I was tired after practice. Coach ran us fucking dry yesterday."

He's not wrong.

"Yeah, I know." I admit. "I'm sore as hell still. Practice today is going to suck."

As we move down the line, I grab an apple as Cameron grabs an orange. He's quiet. Too quiet. Did his dad come home or something?

"So, this weekend I think I want to just keep it low key. Maybe just play video games? Watch football?" I suggest, and I'm surprised when he nods.


He's being so short with me. Did I do something? Normally he has a girl occupy his time at least one day of the weekend.

"Really? I thought I'd have to convince you. You don't have plans with Sadie or Kelsey?"

I stare at him inquisitively as I wait for an answer, confused as to why he seems so upset with me. He's acting like a completely different person right now.

"Nope. No plans. I need a chill weekend too." He says, and then he turns around with his tray in hand, letting out a sigh. "He's never going to learn." He laughs and points to where Maya and Maddie are sitting.

Mark is hovering over my sister with one of his stupid grins on his face, and Maddie seems to be falling right into his trap. She's blinking innocently at him, laughing at something he says. I feel my entire body grow hot with anger.

Did getting punched by Cameron not give him a fucking hint? What is it with this guy? I don't even understand how he gets girls to begin with. He's tall and scrawny, freckles covering every inch of his face and round, thick glasses perched on his nose. He looks nothing like a football player, but the girls seem to eat that shit up.

I'm not about to let my sister fall victim to his stupid games, so I grip my tray tightly and storm over to them, slamming it down roughly onto the table to get right in his face. "Hey dipshit." I sneer. "Did you not learn the first time? Get the fuck away from my sister."

"Ethan, stop." Maddie says defiantly. She crosses her arms over her chest, wearing a sweatshirt that's three times too big on her. She seems annoyed by my interfering, but I could give two shits. I'm saving her in the long run.

"I was just asking her to the homecoming dance." Mark says and throws a cocky grin towards Cameron, and I visibly see him tense up, like he's about to punch him for the second time.

Mark will never take my sister anywhere. Not if I have anything to do with it.

"In your dreams." I seethe. "If you actually think I'd let her go with you you're fucking insane."

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