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I guess Maya really does like Five Guys. I can't seem to hide the smile on my face as she scarfs the entire burger down in less than ten minutes, not a care in the world that I seem to be sitting across from her. If this were Jennifer then she'd probably order a salad or some shit, if they even have that here, but not Maya. She's got grease all over her fingers, reaching across the table to grab a napkin.

I really shouldn't find this attractive, but truthfully I think Maya could do anything and I'd find it attractive.

"So, you'll be pleased to know that I listened and followed through on our conversation last night." I tell her as I chew down another fry.

Her eyes pop up to meet mine. "How so?"

"Well, I apologized to Jennifer for..." and then I trail off, unsure of how to explain it. I don't want Maya to know I'm a virgin. I'd rather drink bleach. "Well, just being a dick I guess. Turns out she didn't need an apology."

"Because Jennifer will fuck anything in a two foot radius." She mutters. "I'm glad you listened to my advice though."

"You don't like her, do you?" I ask with a smug grin. It's almost to me like she's jealous or something from the expression on her face. Her lips are in a thin line, eyes narrowed and jaw clenched.

"She's a bitch. Plain and simple. Just like Kelsey, and Sadie, and all of the other girls you sleep with."

I laugh. "Mhm. So many girls."

"You have a type. All I'm saying."

My type is her. My god it's always been her. She thinks I've fucked everyone in a two foot radius when it's the complete opposite. I could just come right out and say it, but what would the point be? If she's into me, we both know we can't act on this. Going out to eat with her was nice, but this isn't going to happen again. It's only a one time thing. We both know that.

"Stop smiling like that." She rolls her eyes, but I can't help myself. I'm enjoying her company more than ever. Feisty, blunt, opinionated Maya is the Maya I like best.

"No clue what you're talking about." I joke, swirling the straw around in my cup to swish the ice around, never losing eye contact with her for a second. I sit back more into our booth and let out a sigh. "Enough about my sex life. Let's talk about you."

"What about me?"

I shrug. "I don't know. Tell me about your hobbies. Your interests. Gaming can't be the only thing you're into."

"My interests..." she taps her pointer finger on her chin as she looks deep in thought. "I honestly don't know. Maybe hair, or my nails. I like doing it on other people too. Like Maddie. She has great hair to braid. It's super curly, so it holds."

I don't know much about what she's talking about, but this subject seems to liven her up even more than she already is, so I ask her another question. "Is that what you want to go to school for?"

"Oh, no." She immediately replies, shaking her head back and forth. "My parents would actually murder me. Like kill me."

"Because you want to go to school for hair?"

"Because they didn't move to the states for me not to have a formal education. Cosmetology school isn't the same as going to a four year or whatever to them. Trust me, they wouldn't understand."

It seems kind of messed up to me. I can't imagine my parents ever not being supportive of something that I love to do, and after listening to Maya it makes me appreciate them a little bit more.

"Even if it's your passion though?" I ask.

"Not a chance. One time, when I was in the seventh grade, I dyed the ends of my hair pink just for the fun of it. My mom legitimately freaked out and took me straight to the hair salon to change it back. I've never been hit with a chancleta so fast before in my life."

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