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The following morning I wake up with the worst hangover imaginable. My head is throbbing, and my stomach is so raw that I feel like I'm going to throw up at any given moment.

For a moment I can't remember what happened last night, and then it all comes crashing down. I got my first blowjob, and it wasn't what I thought it would be. I came in less than a minute. It was over and done with within seconds. How fucking embarrassing is that?

Letting out a groan, I throw open my door and head downstairs to the kitchen. Cameron and Maddie are already up. Thankfully I see a plate of breakfast on the island, ignoring all of the beer cans on top of the counter surrounding it from last night.

"I'm so fucking hungover." I mutter. "Thank god you made breakfast."

"That's what happens when you drink." Maddie says and then purses her lips like the goody-two-shoes she is. "Consequences."

For a second I regret sticking up for her last night. She really is a bore, and she needs to learn to have some fucking fun for once instead of act like my parent.

"Please, shut up." I respond tersely. "I'm not in the mood today, Maddie."

I think she can tell that I'm being completely serious, because rather than reply some snarky remark she leaves Cameron and I alone in the kitchen to go back upstairs.

For once I see Cameron smiling down at his plate as he eats his breakfast, and I'm assuming it's because he got lucky last night. "How was Sadie?" I ask, attempting to hide my laughter. He seems like he's in a very good mood.

He clears his throat before he replies, "amazing head. If you ever need it, she swallows."

"Oh yeah?" I reply with a smug grin, and even though I'm embarrassed as hell that I came so quickly, I did in fact get my first blowjob last night, regardless of how I felt afterwards. For once I'm going to tell him a piece of information about my sex life that is actually true. "Jennifer does too."

Cameron practically jumps on me, shouting in glee. "Oh shit!" He laughs. "I knew she was going to give it up! She was all over you last night."

She didn't exactly give it up, but I'm not about to tell him that. I let him piece his own story together as the front door opens, and in seconds I feel my body grow rigid. It's Maya, and I quickly realize I'm in just a pair of boxers. Not that she hasn't seen me in them before, but it's been a couple years.

How is it that she doesn't need any makeup at all? Her bare face is so gorgeous. Perfectly clear tan skin, the fullest pink lips, a light spread of freckles going across her cheeks. Her hair is just in a simple ponytail, wearing a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt, and as I stare at her I seriously begin to wonder what is wrong with me. There's no way in hell seeing Maya in a pair of yoga pants is getting me more aroused than when Jennifer's mouth was on my dick.

"Maddie's upstairs." Cameron says. "I think in her room."

Maya is too busy looking at the mess around her to listen, and a part of me wants her to stick around for a few minutes before she goes upstairs. Any minute alone with her without Maddie around is a chance I'm going to take.

"Care to help?" I raise a brow, acting as if I'm not wanting to tug on her bottom lip that she's currently biting on.

Her eyes meet with mine. Those beautiful brown eyes that are suddenly filled with an attitude before she bring a finger to her chin and taps it like she's deep in thought. "Hm..." she hums jokingly. "Help clean up a party I wasn't even invited to? I think I'll pass."

And then she leaves me alone in the kitchen, heading up the stairs without another word. My eyes are drawn to her ass, and I know, it's disrespectful to stare, but god damn. Yoga pants are my new favorite article of clothing. It's official.

"You've got it bad." Cameron laughs as he catches me in the act. "You should have invited her last night."

Absolutely not. That's the worst idea he's ever had. If I would have invited Maya here last night then I would have made a move on her for sure. I was drinking, and I got a blow job from a girl I knew for less than two hours. If Maya were here? Oh, yeah. I definitely would have caved.

"Yeah right. How would that look?" I scoff. "It would be completely obvious. Last night was a party for seniors. Plus, Maddie would shoot me. She would murder me. Unfortunately Maya and that perfect fucking ass are off limits."

He shrugs. "I think Maya knows you're into her, bro. I'm pretty sure if you hit it she'd keep it a secret."

He doesn't understand that Maya isn't like the conquests he has with girls. Maya isn't a Jennifer to me. Maya is... my end game. If I scored Maya then I know I would never, ever have a shot in hell at feeling this strongly for anyone else.

I'm too stressed to think about it, because knowing that I will never know what it's like to have her be mine is excruciating. I'm too hungover for this, so I go to the fridge and grab two beers, figuring that getting drunk again is probably the only way to cure my headache.

"I don't think Maya is the hit it and quit it type." I finally admit to him. "If I were to hit it, I don't think I'd be able to quit it."

"Oh really?" He asks in shock. "You've got it bad for her like that?"

"Oh yeah." I nod. "Completely. Too bad she and Maddie are fucking attached at the hip. Otherwise I would have made my move on her a long ass time ago."

I take a swig of the beer and set it roughly back down onto the counter. I want to open up to Cameron about everything that I've been experiencing lately. The panic attacks, the virginity thing, the constant pressure I have to fit in, but I feel like it'll change everything between us. He'll find someone else that is more like him, and he's been my best friend since I was in kindergarten. He's too important for me to lose because of my feelings. Because I'm too emotional.

"I'm sure Maddie would understand if you tell her. If she knew that you felt that strongly then-"

"Are you kidding?" I cut him off, not even believing what I'm hearing. "This is Maddie we're talking about. Besides, there are just some things you don't do to a sibling. Like fuck their best friend. It'd be like her making a move on you." I shudder at the thought, and Cameron pauses for a second, a look of panic etched across his face. He must be picturing it too.

Fucking gross.

"I guess you're right." He nods.

I am right. I'm more than right. I can't keep having these thoughts of Maya because it's never going to happen. The reason I'm so attracted to her might be because this thing between us can't happen. It makes it hotter.

It's not because she's witty, or funny, or a bad ass at call of duty. It's because she's unattainable, and isn't that what men seek after? Things they can't have?

I just need to get the fuck over my feelings and just say screw it. I need to be more like Cameron. I need to get my virginity over with and out of the damn way. It's happening tonight. That's final.

"So, Jennifer told me that Kelsey is having a party at her place tonight." I tell him. "I guess her parents are out of town for the weekend too. You want to go?"

"Will Sadie be there?" He cocks his head to the side, and the playful side of Cameron is so infectious that I find myself genuinely laughing for the first time in two days, giving him a slight nod of the head.

"What the hell, then?" He shrugs. "Might as well go for round two, right?"


Ahhhhhhh I'm SO excited to release the rest of this!!!

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See you Monday!!

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