The water park

Start bij het begin

They pulled up to the school gate, to see a shockingly good turnout. Most of the team had showed up, including Kiyoko and Yachi, which gave Noya and Tanaka the exiting thought of the girl's swimsuits.

"NO WAY HI!" Noya shouted.

"You guys are so stupid..." Tsukki sighed. Without really talking, they mounted their bikes, and set off. Noya and Tanaka faced plenty of criticism for their random booking, but the team were glad they were doing something other than just watching the fight clip on repeat.

Within half an hour of cycling, they were there. When signing in, the employee gave them a stern glance, but they were given their wristbands anyway. The group changed, and the boys were disappointed to see Kiyoko had made the sensible choice of wearing a sun-vest over her swimming costume. There was an awkward wait before they could get to the lake, but when they finally got to the entrance of the lake, a lifeguard was checking wristbands.

She was wearing a black swimsuit, but with a yellow lifeguard polo over it. The shirt was a bit too big, but looked fine still. Her hair was long and black, but very curly. It wasn't tied back, it just rolled off her shoulders in a mad vortex. When Sam reached the front of the line, the girl looked at their wrist band, holding their wrist lightly. Tanaka raised his eyebrows at this, surprised Sam was capable at making contact with a woman.

"Sam Goodman, senior citizen?" She laughed.

"Yeah, can't you tell from the wrinkles?" Sam responded, laughing back.

"Well, yeah, it's obvious." She grinned, tossing back the sea of hair behind her shoulders. "Okay, whatever, just go swimming, we're holding up the line. Tell the bald one to stop staring at my tits." The girl looked over to Tanaka, who was using their hands as goggles, stood on the first obstacle.

Sam's POV:

I glanced back at the lifeguard behind, she also turned around and gave me a wink. My knees buckled slightly as the boys around me burst out laughing.

"This is ableism." I whined, as Noya teased me all the way to the starting point of the inflatable obstacle course. Suga counted back from 3, and we were off. 15 teenagers sprinting through the course, already falling to their doom in the water. I was neck to neck with Kiyoko, miles in front of the selective boys who'd survived the massive shoving at the start.

We were already halfway through, when a child, around 12, barged into me. I lost my footing and plummeted into the lake water. That's when I remembered what I'd forgotten. My pump. I was too worried about a random stranger asking me why I'm wearing a tube into my stomach, I'd forgotten to take the damn thing off.

I spluttered as my mouth and nose filled with water and immediately felt like I was on fire. Then again, hands wrapped around my waist, and suddenly I could breathe air again. I turned to look at my saviour, the lifeguard I swore was just at the line was holding onto my waist, and laughing.

"I'm a senior citizen?" I tried to justify myself for my lack of swimming skills. That just made her laugh harder. Her smile gave me butterflies, and her face glowed in the sun, and her gorgeous curly hair now wet, made her look even more attractive. The polo shirt she was wearing was now see-through thanks to the water, showing her pure black 2 piece swimming costume.

What dragged me out of my admiration was a fish in the water. It brushed past our ankles; I lurched back whilst she squealed. It was my turn to laugh.

She sent a playful glare my way, grabbed the back of the company life jacket I'd been told to wear and swam us both to land.


Sam leant back on the sandy lake edge, gasping for breath slightly. "Oh my god!" They laughed. "I didn't realise there were fish in there!"

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