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"I just want to keep you safe, Shoyo." Mum smiled at me, warmly.

"Hey mumma can we get ice cream after?" Natsu chirped from the back.

"No, Natsu. You're gonna be a good girl and sit in the waiting room with your picture books while the nice doctor looks after your brother."

"Okay. Can I have ice cream from the freezer at home later?"

"Okay, sweetheart." She grinned warmly, and turned into the car park of the local doctor's unit. It was small, and was mainly visited by toddlers with their mothers, and old men.

Me and mum jumped out of the car, and opened up the door for Natsu, who had childlock.

I held my sister's hand, as we walked through the door, and felt the air conditioning's chill, and the smell of disinfectant. Mum walked up to the desk, and began to speak to the lady there. I wasn't listening, because my exhausted state was acting up, so I lead Natsu over to the seats in the waiting room. An elderly couple smiled at us, and a pregnant lady was on her phone, not noticing our presence. I pulled out some books from her bookbag, and handed them to her.

"Be good, okay. No causing problems for anyone." I sighed. She grinned back, and nodded proudly.

I walked back over to mum.

I gave her a puzzled look. "Everything okay?"

"Yes- thank you for dropping Natsu off. The reception lady says she'll keep an eye on her. We're to go to room 8."

"Okay, mum."

She gave me a bright, but concerned smile, and I followed her into a small room. It had a bed, a computer and a sink, plus a few charts, but apart from that, it was pretty bland.

"Ah! Hello." A lady said from her chair. "I'm Doctor Nishina. Go ahead and call me Minori. So you must be Mrs. Hinata and Shoyo! Do you mind if I call you both that?"

"Yes," "yep." We said, almost at the same time.

"Take a seat." Me and mum sat down on the blue chairs in front of us, and faced her. "So your mum tells me you've lost a lot of weight and you've been very tired, is that right?" She sympathised, looking at me.

"Yes- I don't think I'm sick though."

"Really? What do you think it is?"

"I don't know.. maybe I'm just growing..."

"Hm. Okay. Do you mind if we weigh you?"

I wasn't sure if I was okay with this, but I went with it. "Sure." I groaned weakly.

She took me to some scales in the corner of the room. I stepped on them, and looked at the number. It was definitely less than I remembered, but that was normal for a teenage boy. She wrote down the number, and went back to the computer.

"Right, so the last time you were weighed, it was just a few weeks before before your thirteenth birthday. You're fifteen now, right?"


"Well you weigh roughly a half-stone lighter than you did when you were twelve."

My mum looked shocked.

"It's just because I haven't grown much."

"No, on this it says your height was 138 centimetres. Now you're what? 160 centimetres?

"164." I said.

"Exactly." She turned to look at my mother. "You mentioned he hadn't been eating right? Is he eating enough?"

"If anything, he's eating and eating and eating." Mum said sadly. I felt disgusting, I stared at the ground in embarrassment. I didn't like her talking about my eating habits.

"Do you think that's related to your mental health Shoyo?" The doctor inquired.

"No, absolutely not. I'm okay, really." They both were truly barking up the wrong tree.

"Would it be easier if we talked about this with your mother outside?" The nurse said.

"Um, okay." I said. Mum looked slightly concerned to leave, but the doctor told her it was to help me.

Once the door had shut, she went right into it.

"Is anything on your mind? It doesn't even have to relate to right now. If anything is bothering you just say."

I took advantage of the moment, and decided to talk. "I guess I just feel the need to be great." Volleyball was all I thought about, and although I loved it it was a stress. "It's just keeping up is a lot of pressure."

"You do a lot of sport don't you?" The doctor voiced.

"Yeah, I do lots of volleyball."

She looked at me sympathetically.

"Do you binge and purge." She suddenly said.

I froze in shock. "No, of course not!" I gasped, slightly angry.

"You know, it's okay, I know plenty of guys with body image issues."

"I don't have an eating disorder." I said in my sharpest voice. "I am fine.
If it turns out there is something wrong with me, it isn't psychological."

"Alright. Just know it's okay to-"

I cut her off  "I don't have bulimia, okay. Drop it."

"Okay, Shoyo. Thank you for giving me an insight. Let me go and speak to your mother."

She got up and closed the door. I couldn't hear anything through it. They were probably talking about my nonexistent eating disorder.

About 5 minutes later, mum came back in.

"Okay, Mrs Hinata, Shoyo. We aren't sure what the problem is, so we'll send you for a few blood tests in a few weeks."

We both nodded, "You're all free to go, just remember to call the practise if you come across anything."

"Okay!" My mum said. I sighed. "Thank you so much, Minori."

"Thanks." I mumbled, and mum and I left together.

We walked back into the interview to see Natsu reading her book to the elderly couple, who smiled like it was their own grandchild. Mum walked over.

"Natsu, time to go!" She cheered.

The couple looked up. "Your daughter is very clever." The lady said.

"Haha, thank you so much." Mum smiled. Natsu shut the book, and put it back in her bag. She waved to the people in the room, and walked out with us.

"Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!" She chanted.

A/n: I wrote this chapter very similar to how my appointment was before diagnosis. Mf was trying SO HARD to diagnose me with bulimia. Scary.

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