She shows us a peice of paper with the temperatures written down.

"He likes it cold".Will says.

"Ok,so this crazy old woman who was eating fertilizer-".Mike starts.

"Mrs Driscoll".Nancy cuts him off.

"Right,yeah.Mrs Driscoll.What time was this attack?".Mike says.

"Last night".Nancy says.

"Right,but what time last night?".Mike asks.

"Around 9".Nancy replies.

"You waited all night to call?".Johnathan says.

"I was waiting for the doctors to run some tests".Nancy looks at him.

"You weren't there?".Will asks.

"Well I'm here now,aren't I?".Johnathan replies.

"Hallelujah!".Nancy says.

There's a clear awkwardness around the room.

"Um so,what time was your sauna test?".Nancy says.

"Around 9".We all say.

"Well,that proves it.That proves my theory".Nancy says.

"She's flayed,just like Billy".Mike says.

"Flayed?".Johnathan asks.

"The mind flayer.He flays people.Takes over their mind.One they do that,they basically become him".Mike replies.

"If they are two flayed".I say.

"We have to assume there are more".Will says.

"Heather".El says. "Billy was doing something to her.She was scared.She was screaming.Bad screams".

"What's a good scream?".Lucas says.

"Max said-".El starts.

"Doesn't matter".Max cuts her off.

"I'm sorry,I'm lost.Who's Heather?".Nancy asks.

"She's a lifeguard at the pool".Max replies.

"Heather Holloway?".Nancy says and El nods.She looks at Johnathan."Tom".

We walk outside to Nancy's car.Me,Max and El get in the backseat while Mike,Will and Lucas sit in the trunk.Nancy backs out of the driveway and hits our bikes in the process.

We arrive at the house and we stand behind Nancy as she rings the doorbell.Nothing.She rings it again.Nothing.They look at El and she unlocks the door with her mind.We barely walk in and I already feel weird about this.

"Tom?Heather?".Nancy says.

"Jesus,it's freezing".Max says.

As we walk into the living room,there's a weird smell in the air.

"Do you guys smell that?".Nancy says.

We turn around to see a fallen down fridge with chemicals on it.

"More chemicals".Nancy says as we walk up to the fridge.

"You think they're guzzling this shit?".Johnathan asks.

"Yeah,etheir that or they just went on a hell of a cleaning spree".Nancy replies.

"But last year Will didn't eat chemicals.Did you?".Max says.

"No.This is something new".Will says.

"Mr Clarke,fifth grade.Posit.What happens when you mix chemicals together?".Mike says.

"You create a new substance".Me,Mike,Lucas and Will say.

"What if they're making something?".Mike asks.

"In themselves?".Max replies. "I mean come on,if you drink this crap,it'll kill you".

"Yeah,if you're human".I say.

In the dinning room,the food is still on the table and in the other room there's a wine bottle and a dark coloured patch on the carpet.

"Blood".Nancy says. "Yestarday.Tom had a bandage on his forehead".Nancy picks up the wine bottle. "He was attacked".

We walk over to where the carpet is scrunched up and Nancy opens the door.She opens the other one and it leads into the garage.We walk in.There's rope laying on the ground and Johnathan touches it.

"They must of tied them".He says. "They must of taken them somewhere".

"Mrs Driscoll.She kept saying 'I have to go back'.What if the flaying,it's taking place somewhere else?There must be a place where this all started,a scource?".Nancy says.

"Somewhere he didn't want me to see".El says.

"If we can find the source,then maybe we can stop him.Or at least stop it from spreading or whatever the hell he's doing with those chemicals".Nancy looks at us.

"How do we find it?".El asks.

"Mrs Driscoll.If she wants to go back so badly,why don't we let her?".Will replies.

The last time I was at a hospital was when my little sister was born.That was 5 years ago and I never went back there since.I didn't know I'd ever go to the hospital for this reason.

The woman at the front desk stops us from going further and looks over us suspiciously.

"I was just going to visit my grandma again".Nancy says.She looks at us. "And this is my family".

"Extended".Lucas says.

"I don't care who they are.You know the rules.Two visitors at a time".The womans says.

"Yeah but-".Nancy starts.

"Two".She cuts her off.

Nancy and Johnathan go while we stay.We sit down next to the waiting area and I look over at Max who's looking at magazines with El.Mike and Lucas struggle with the vending machine and El gets all the sweets out with her mind.Lucas and Mike whisper about something before Lucas walks over to Max.I watch as they throw sweets in each others mouths and I feel jealousy surge through my veins.

Max looks over at me and I look down.Then,I feel someone sit next to me.I turn my head and see Max.

"Want some?".Max offers me M&M's and I take some with a small smile.

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