Chapter seventeen.

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A single rose bloomed from within her hands as its thorns drew blood, droplets falling onto the elaborate engravings below. She was suspended from her hooks, chains clanking softly. The pain was familiar, comforting even- she closed her eyes to savor it before being abruptly interrupted by suddenly being dropped. But instead of feeling the floor's embrace, her world turned black.


Roxanne groaned as she awakened within a hospital room, the scent of chemicals assaulting her as the monitors were ten times louder. She groggily sat up to suddenly clutch her stomach. "Where the fuck am I."

She growled, maneuvering out of bed to shuffle into the empty hallway. The rooms Roxanne passed by were vacant, only to be occupied by the sounds of either TV static or monitors pulsing with nothing attached to them. Suddenly, a familiar figure stepped out of a room as they suddenly smirked. "Hey! Zombie, didn't think I'd see you in limbo."

Briar mused as she gave a small wave and ran up to Roxanne. The young woman could only roll her eyes as she groaned. "Ah for fuck sake kid, did they imprison me down here?"

The young cenobite could only nod. "Indeed they did, until the trial is ready."

That was all Roxanne needed to hear to make her devise a plan on escaping. "So kid, did they imprison you here too?"

Briar shook her head. "I know the ins and outs of this place, but it'll come with a price."

Before Roxanne could ask, the child held up her hand to silence her, before pulling her into one of the rooms as a skeletal figure passed by, skin that was blue as death with a bulbous head and shrunken eyes. He was one of the cenobites, and one that made Roxanne taken aback. "What the fuck was that?"

"That's Skeleton, you don't ever want to be in his path, got it?"

Briar spoke in a harsh whisper as she peered out to see if the coast was clear, before motioning to Roxanne that it was safe. The two made their way down the hallway until turning into another room. They were greeted by an annoyed sigh as Dr. Chenard turned to face them.

"How did you get back in Limbo again? And please don't tell me you're messing with the captive."

He placed down his tools as his work was hidden behind his large form, much to Roxanne's relief that is. Briar smirked in response. "I have my ways. But my friend here needs to get out, think that's possible?"

Chenard rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I'm afraid not, The Hell priest is quite serious this time."

He turned his back to them both. Briar suddenly grinned. "Don't worry, I have other plans."

The hell priest's apprentice. (Completed).حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن