Day two hundred-fifty-nine 27/4/22 Wednesday (Closed)

182 4 130

Leaf fall: 2/10
Skyclan - bright sunny skies, a hot breeze during the day that cools down for the night.
Sunclan - warm breeze with the sun just peaking through the trees. A little gust of the wind during midday.
Cloudclan - hot during the middle of the day. Humid at night, a light wind.
Oasisclan - hot winds and suns rays through the trees. Humid at night.
All - hot and humid.
Evants: none
To do:
Pebblepaw is to be trained.

Furzepaw is to be trained.

Cloudpaw, Jackdawpaw, Kestrelpaw and Lilypaw are to be trained.

Breezepaw and Orchidpaw are to be trained.

Day of Goosekit, Leapingkit, Speckledkit and Spiderkit's apprentice ceremony.

Seven days until Antkit, Coyotekit, Frecklekit and Mintkit's apprentice ceremony.

Two days until Shimmerhush's kitting.

Five days until Ferretsplash's kitting.

Six days until Ivymask's kitting.

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