Day hundred-ninety-nine 15/1/22 Saturday (Closed)

88 6 102

New leaf: 3/10
Skyclan - the snow is melting and the sun is bright. It's warmer now with cold nights and a night breeze.
Cloudclan - cooler in the evening and into the nights but the days are warming up ever so slightly.
Fractalclan - strong winds that aren't as harsh. Still colder nights with a light wind during both day and night.
Streamclan - still a layer of snow that is slowly melting to mush. The days are warming up but are still cold enough to give you a shiver.
Creekclan - snow is still evident but slowly melting. Warmer days but still cool.
All - clouds are grey and there is rain during the mornings and throughout the night. Snow is melting and prey is returning very slowly, three catches per chain.
Events: medicine cat gathering
To do:
Ashpaw, Juniperpaw, Morningpaw, Owlpaw, Rockkpaw and Spikepaw are to be trained.

Cedarpaw and Feijoapaw are to be trained.

Daffodilpaw, Elmpaw, Mosspaw, Ripplepaw and Wolfpaw are to be trained.

Foxpaw and Onyxpaw are to be trained.

Three days until Acornkit, Blazekit, Ebonykit, Needlekit, Rowankit and Waspkit's apprentice ceremony.

Eight days until Meadowleap's kitting.

Warrior cat role play (Open) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ