Chapter 18

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Wonwoo woke up to a throbbing headache. When he opened his eyes, he saw Mingyu sitting beside him. He had a concerned expression on his face. The prince let out a sigh as he gently caressed Wonwoo's head.

"What is going on? I left you with him for a bit and looked at what happened." Mingyu whined.

"And for God sake, where is he?" there's frustration in the prince's voice.

"We had a fight. He wants to end this war all by himself. I tried to stop him." Wonwoo explained as he leaned against Mingyu's touch.

Mingyu smiled a bit at the action. He was supposed to be mad but who could be mad at that face?

"Maybe he can end this war with how powerful he is. He's a dragon after all." Mingyu said.

"I lost Jeonghan. I don't want to lose him too."

Wonwoo got off the bed. But the moment he stood up, his head hurt so bad. The wizard started to lose balance but before he was about to fall, Mingyu caught him. Wonwoo tried to walk away but the latter held him.

"I need to stop Myungho."

"No, you need rest. If you keep pushing yourself like this, it's gonna affect your body." Mingyu said.

"I'm worried about you. It breaks my heart looking at you suffering like this."

Wonwoo stopped as he remembered what Myungho said to him. He shouldered everything all by himself. Because he didn't want to burden others. Their love for him was enough. He couldn't ask for more. Wonwoo looked Mingyu in the eyes. The prince hugged the latter and their foreheads pressed against each other.

"I want to protect you with all my life." Mingyu said.

Wonwoo smiled as leaned forward, kissing Mingyu on the lips.

~ ~ ~

Wonwoo caressed the tombstone as he bit his lips, holding back his tears. Mingyu stood behind the latter as his heart saddened at the sight. Wonwoo was not allowed to attend his teacher's funeral. He couldn't say his last words to the man. Everyone wondered why Jeonghan, the hero sacrificed himself to save Wisteria but why did Wonwoo, the villain survive? The wizard didn't even want to leave his room because he couldn't bear the dirty looks he got.

"I'm sorry." Wonwoo said.

"If I was stronger, none of this would happen. Now, even Myungho left me."

"Jeonghan, I don't know what to do anymore. Myungho's right. I can't do this alone." he added.

Mingyu then approached the latter and kneeled beside him. He intertwined their hands, giving a quick squeeze of assurance.

"We will figure this out together." the prince said.

After a while, the two left the graveyard, heading towards the castle. Mingyu sent Wonwoo to his room. They stayed in front of the door, looking at each other.

"Are you okay by yourself?" Mingyu asked. Wonwoo smiled as he nodded.

"I'm fine. I want to have some rest."

"I can't be with you for a while. The ministers need to discuss future strategy." Mingyu explained.

"It's okay. Wisteria needs their new king."

Mingyu smiled as he caressed Wonwoo's head. He gave a quick peck on the lips before they bid goodbye. Wonwoo then closed the door and Mingyu's smile slowly faded. He let out a heavy sigh.

"I'm sick of being helpless."

The prince walked away as he headed to the rooftop. He looked up at the sky. He held his hands together as he prayed to Eleana.

Cursed (Seventeen Meanie) | Mingyu x WonwooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora