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I rushed out as soon as I heard Tay's brother Bright calling out..

"P'New!!! P'New!!! Sir!!!! Teacher!!"

I ran down the stairs already imagining a thousand different things that might have happened and then I saw Win!
Bright was supporting Win with his arms and Win looked like he was in a lot of pain.

"Hey! Hey! Bud!...." I rushed towards him and grabbed the kid, cupping his pale face with my hands. "What's going on? Are you hurt? Are you in pain? Win!! Winnie!!" I hadn't called him that in a while but today i had forgotten that the kid had grown up.

"He received a letter...." Bright stammered looking nervous.

"A letter? Here?? From whom???" I was confused.

"H-his brother......"

Immediately my mind went blank for a second. And then the realisation that Bright wasn't talking about me... but Kay. Kay had sent a letter? But how was that possible? Kay was alive? No....what was i even thinking? He breathed his last on my lap...but....and then i looked at Bright

Bright knew who Kay was.......

"You know ...." I whispered.

"Win told me......"

"Let's take him to his room." Both of us held onto Win as we half carried, half dragged him to his room upstairs.

Thankfully Tay was still busy in the kitchen....and thank God for his habit of listening to music while cooking.

We entered Win's room and placed him on the bed very carefully. I sat on the bed close to him, my legs dangling on the floor.

"Get some water Bright.."

Bright looked extremely worried and nervous. I noticed his hands shake a bit as he poured water in a glass.

There was a knock on the door and Mook entered followed by Game.

"What happened to him P'New?" Game immediately rushed towards the other side of the bed and sat down.

"" He called softly.

"What's going on P'New?" Game queried checking Win's forehead. "He doesn't seem to have any temperature."

"Bright where is the letter?" I asked as Game checked Win's pulse.

Bright handed me a box. It wasn't just a letter but something more.

"Thanks...." I looked up at him not sure what more to say, as he placed the box in my hand.

"I won't tell anyone Sir. Don't worry. I will just tell P'Tay that Win has a stomach ache or something......"

"" I mumbled, unsure whether I could trust him or not. But i was surprised that Win had trusted this kid enough, to tell him his real identity.

Bright nodded and left the room.

Bright was a good kid but he was Madam Sofia's son afterall. I felt nervous about the fact that he knew about Kay.

"What did he mean by that? What is that box P'New?"

"It's from Kay ......."

I didn't miss the gasps coming from both sides.

"P'New should I call a doctor?" Mook asked looking worried.

"Let me just talk to him shouldn't have come Mook."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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