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"What do you mean? I am confused now. You have face blindness but you can see me?" His eyes widened as he stared at me.


"Is that even possible?"

"Why isn't it possible?"

"Because I googled it after reading your reports and it said......."

"That a person with prosopagnosia cannot recognise any face including their own."


I actually couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because you actually googled it. Were you concerned?"

He cleared his throat looking away. "Why would I be concerned? We are not that close....... I was just curious."

I bit my lips as I tried to suppress a smile. His cheeks were tinged with red and he looked away. He was actually quite cute.

'Curiosity is good." I said casually though I couldn't help but look at him a while longer than necessary.

"But are you really able to see me?"


"Why is that?"

"That is a question I have been asking myself ever since I met you. It is really strange and even my doctor doesn't have an answer.....but that's how it is."


"Look we can discuss my situation later but first we need to go to the infirmary. Your face has multiple cuts and your jeans has ripped near the knee and its bleeding."

He looked down as his own leg and his eyes widened. "I didn't realise I was bleeding anywhere."

"Silly" I tapped on his forehead with my finger. "Hold me tightly, I will help you walk." I tightened my arm around his waist while his arm came around my shoulders as he hobbled on one foot to the infirmary.

"Don't tell P'New anything." He muttered as we walked.

His luck probably wasn't in his favour though, because even before entering, I could hear his brother's voice. He was talking to the doctor. We could see them through the window. Win tugged at my shirt and made me duck near the window.

"Stop..... don't move."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Shhh......quiet. I don't want P'New to see me like this." He whispered.

"Why is that? He is afterall your brother..."

"Why do you ask so many questions? Aren't you my friend? So just help me out here."


I rolled my eyes. What was up with these two? Maybe his brother was one of those overly protective kinds who could not tolerate a single scratch on his kid brothers body. But Wait!! That's my brother .😅 If that's the case, P'Tay should get along very well with his brother🙄

"This medicine should help." The doctor was telling my Maths teacher.


"No New you cannot take more than the prescibed dozes. Do you want to sleep or die??"

"But Bun I told you already, one tablet is not helping at all."

"New this is all I can do. If you want more then talk to Mek."

HEALING HEARTS (TayNew 💞 BrightWin)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz