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Something had changed that night. It wasn't anything big, just that Win was being extra nice to me and he was even attending maths classes now...which did surprise me.

"Bright please meet me after the class is over." My maths teacher aka P'New (since that night) said as soon as the class started.

Win gave me a questioning look but I just shrugged, afterall I had no idea why he wanted to meet me.

I looked around, there was almost pin drop silence in the class. Kids were attentive. In most classes, only the ones in the front, were the ones actually listening to the teachers.
But P'New's classes were different from normal classes. He made maths fun. In most of my previous schools I dreaded maths classes. None of those teachers used cards to explain linear algebra or flipped bottles to make us understand theories of probability, like P'New did.

P'New was actually quite amazing. Though maths wasn't my favourite subject but I had started looking forward to his classes. I had even caught Win smiling at some of P'New's mathematics jokes. 🤓

[Why shouldn't you let advanced mathematics intimidate you?

Coz it's as easy as a pi (π)


Why are obtuse angles so depressed?

Coz they are never right.]

P'New had an unending stock of those and classes were never boring.

"Okay so this much for today. We will discuss the remaining sums from exercise 3-B, tomorrow." P'New announced closing his book.

"Sir!" A hand was raised. All heads turned towards that person including Win's.


"Yes Claire?" P'New asked while collecting his books.

"Sir, I have some more doubts. Can you help me out today? Please....... I don't want to wait till tomorrow's class."

Claire usually wasn't the kind to have any doubt in any class. Normally, she wasn't bothered about anything related to academics, so I wasn't the only one to gasp at her sudden interest in mathematics.

"Okay, walk with me to the teachers room....." P'New turned to look at me, "Bright you come too."

"Yes Sir."

I followed P'New out of the class along with Claire.

"Isn't he handsome?" I didn't even realise how close she was to me, until I heard her whisper.

"Who?" I said without turning. Was she talking about Win?

"Professor Techaapaikhun"

"Huh?" This time I did turn towards her. I couldn't see her expression but there was no humour in what she was saying.

"Isn't he?"

"Maybe....I don't know."

"Of course you wouldn't know. You are a man afterall, why would you notice?" She explained herself and I remained quiet.

"I heard that he is Metawin's elder brother."

Where the hell was this going? Which brother was she interested in? 🙄

When I still didn't respond, she asked,

"Aren't you friends with Metawin?"

"He is just my desk mate."

HEALING HEARTS (TayNew 💞 BrightWin)Where stories live. Discover now