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Sometimes what a person needs,
Is not a brilliant mind that speaks
But a patient heart that listens❤️🌼


P'Tay and my teacher were the first ones to disappear leaving all of us in an awkward room arrangement😔.

P'Jeff yawned loudly, "I am off to bed too. Mr.Gameplay Thitipoom, you can take the bed. I will sleep on the floor."

"Please just call me Game. Moreover I am the one being an inconvenience here. I should be the one sleeping on the floor."

P'Game seemed like an extremely polite person. He never acted high and mighty like most rich people did.
In fact he was renting and sharing a place with an ordinary temp teacher and a school kid. That was something unexpected of a person with that kind if status. He was nice.

"You are a guest in our house, I don't want to be an inconsiderate host. Moreover I prefer the floor than the bed. I am used to it........."

I looked up at P'Jeff. His tone sounded different. I couldn't see his expression but I knew what he could be thinking. Yes......he was definitely used to it.

I was about to say something when Luke spoke up, "I want to share the room with Bright. We have so much to catch up on." I recognised that mischievous tone of his. What was he upto now?🙄

"We have a project to discuss." Win's voice made me almost jump up.

"We do??😯" Did Win just lie.

"Yes we do.........It's an important school project, much more important than catching up....."

I stared at Win speechless. This guy was confusing me.

"But......" Luke was about to protest when P'Lee intervened.

"Ah! Enough with all this. All of you off to bed. There's hardly three hours left till sunrise, does it matter where you sleep and what project will you do at this hour?"

"P'Lee......" Luke didn't budge.

"Catch up with your own brother first."
P'Lee's tone sounded amused as he pulled Luke into Mae's room and the door slammed shut. Within seconds even P'Jeff and P'Game disappeared leaving an awkward silence behind.

With not much choice left I entered my room followed by Win close behind.

"You sleep on the bed." I mumbled as I entered the shower and shut the door behind me.

Within seconds, I heard a knock on the door.



"Is Luke really your boyfriend?"

Ah! It was going to be a long night!
"What is it to you?"


"Go to sleep Win. It's late." I turned the shower on muting whatever he said.

When I was through, I came out wondering whether he was asleep or awake. He was sitting on the single chair in my room, staring at his phone and smiling. I had hardly ever seen Win smile. He was mostly Mr.Grumpy but he did look nice when he smiled. He hadn't noticed me yet. I cleared my throat loudly.
"Why aren't you sleeping?"

He looked up, his eyes were still twinkling. Whatever he had been watching must have made him happy.

"I need to take a shower too..." He said keeping the phone on the table. He pulled out his wallet and a key from his pocket and placed them all on the table.

HEALING HEARTS (TayNew 💞 BrightWin)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat