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I couldn't explain to New who my father was. Afterall, It wasn't something I could talk about with pride. He had asked, how my father could be involved in any of this? Fact was, I had absolutely no idea how the Thitipooms were connected to Poh or whether it was really them that he was after? My mind was reeling with anxiety and confusion. I paced around the corridor trying to clear my head.

"P'Tay?" Jeff walked in hurriedly.


"Where is Bright? Is he okay?"

"Yes....I already told you not to rush. Bright is fine."

"What about Gameplay?"

"He has regained his consciousness."

"Ah! That's a relief."

"You should have finished all your classes."

"It was all because of me P'Tay. I told Bright that I would be late. Why didn't he wait?"

"How is any of this your fault? Moreover, Game was attacked at his home."

"Did you tell his brother, about our beach house?"

"Hmm......but Jeff.....are you sure......I mean?"

"P'Tay....I already told you, that there has to be a day when I have to deal with my demons."

"But Jeff....."

"It's okay P. They need our help and I actually kinda like their company."

"Their company or just Gameplay's?" I smiled as Jeff's cheek turned a tinge of crimson.

"It's not like that P'Tay..." He said averting my eyes.

"Hmmmm.....of course. A person who has never allowed anyone, except his brothers, to enter his room, suddenly spends a whole night with a stranger."

He rolled his eyes.

"That night there was no other option...... don't read too much into things. Moreover why are we talking only about me? What about you?"

"What about me?" I arched my eyebrows as he chuckled.

"Don't act all innocent dear brother.....I am sure that asking a person to shift to our house, with his brothers, far exceeds the line of duty of a policeman."

"You agreed..."

"You seemed eager..."

"Ah! So you were doing me a favour?"

"Of course, what else?" He smiled mischievously.

"So you are saying that, if I ask only New to shift into our house, then it won't really matter to you."

He turned towards me, the smile disappearing from his face, "But Game is the one hurt! Why would P'New be the one shifting? Moreover Game is the Thitipoom.....not P'New." His lips were pouted now and he looked at me with a sullen expression.

I wanted to laugh out loud but held it in. "So are you asking me to let Game stay as well?"

He now glared at me, "Do whatever you feel like!" He was just about to walk away when I pulled him back.

"I was just teasing you."

"I know...."

"Then why are you getting so mad at me?"

"P'Tay you know that I don't like being teased at all....."

"Okay okay.....but there is something I really wanna talk about on a serious note."

HEALING HEARTS (TayNew 💞 BrightWin)Where stories live. Discover now