"Emerald, since you have a recognizable civilian life, I suggest your disguise be more, uh...covert, we don't want the public, assuming you support Lex and The Reach," Nightwing suggests, she nods, as much as she didn't like the idea of a glamour charm, she knew the problems that would rise if, Katrina Solaris, associates herself with - soon to be exposed - invaders and villains. "Any questions?" Nightwing asks the boys, "Just one. Why are we meeting in this dump?" original Roy asks, "With the Cave and the Hall of Justice destroyed, we don't have many other options," Nightwing answers, "Except the Watchtower. It's national news now, you can't pretend it doesn't exist," Roy scoffs. "Only Justice Leaguers and senior members of the Team are authorized for the Watchtower," Katrina says, getting annoyed by the attitude of the former archer. "You don't qualify," Nightwing glares, "Good to know where we stand," Roy knowingly remarks.


APRIL 8, 16:38 CDT

Tim, Jaimie, Bart, Roy and Kat, visit the Lexcorp farm in Smallville, they join a tour, with the most annoyingly cheerful tour guide. The group follows her, as she walks them through the hydroponic domes, "This is where Lexcorp and The Reach are growing the food of the future!" the guide says cheerily, ugh, "This could put the rest of Smallville's farmers out of business," a man says, "No, no, not at all. The Reach plans to share their techniques with the entire agricultural community. Please, everyone, enjoy your choice of these new vitamin-rich, reach-enhanced produce," she squeakily exclaims. "Genetically enhanced?" Tim asks, asking what we're all wondering, the lady denies any tampering, 'No tampering my ass,' she psychically tells the boys. Robin and Jaimie both take some tomatoes for testing, as Katrina subtly scans the food with her magic, her eyes glowing green, the only indication that she's using her magic. They all hear a crunch, looking next her she sees Bart, chalantly munching on an apple. She glares at him disapprovingly, What? I'm maintaining cover," he chuckles, Roy elbows Tim pointing at the tubes by the plants, "What's in those tubes?" Arsenal asks, "Just water, nutrients, and a little Reach/Lexcorp love," Kat, rolls her eyes at the answer, 'Not buying it at all,' she angrily states,  she's pretty sure the others are ignoring her remarks but she could care less, she was not happy about the situation at hand.  

The lady, guides the group to the pluot orchard, and as the others start to follow, Robin stops them, "Bathroom break," he says, as they all follow him to the bathroom. The boys enter the bathroom, and Kat follows, "Whoa, whoa, sis, this is the gents bathroom!" Bart stops, "Yes, and your point is?" she asks, "Not an actual potty break, sweety," she sarcastically comments, walking in. 

They wait in the bathroom for hours, waiting for the farms to be empty, excluding the guards, to start their actual mission. They were all suited up, Emerald, now donning a much darker green stealth armour, while meditating to pass the time. She could sense Impulse's impatience, never make a speedster wait, that's the number one rule when it comes to all the fast ones. "Ugh....! Can we please start the mission now?" Bart snaps frustrated, "Fine. Yes. Go,' she hears an annoyed Tim say, the boys exit the stalls, and Kat stops floating, she notices everyone else was in stealth mode except Impulse. She quietly face palms, "You're in the wrong mode," Katrina states, "Sis, I crash all modes," he exclaims not understanding what she meant, "Stealth mode, hermano," Blue Beetle sighs, "Oh, right," Bart says sheepishly, searching for the button to activate the stealth tech, Blue, getting frustrated, elbows him, activating the stealth. They all exit the bathroom, Emerald stops Bart, putting a hand n his shoulder, 'B, I know you're excited and all, but this is a recon mission, calm down okay, we don't want any mishaps,' she tells him psychically, 'don't worry sis, I'll be super stealthy,' he assures speeding out.

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