Chapter 2 - Paths of escape

Start from the beginning

James: say Faye, mind working with me? I'd say we are both real smart

Faye: as long as there's none of your funny business I suppose I can allow it

James: scout's honour

The two of us went up to the second floor and not really caring about which room to pick we went for a random door which led us to a pool

Faye: that's certainly strange, I wonder what a pool is doing here

I turned to James but he seemed to freeze in place

Faye: James?

James: this...this isn't right

Faye: James!

James: wha! Huh what is it Faye

Faye: you just seemed completely out of it

James: ah right sorry it's just

I noticed James staring at a part of the pool and it was then I put two and two together

Faye: this is where you died isn't it?

James: h-how did you?

Faye: it was the look you gave off, it made me believe something bad happened here and since these were places in our killing game there was only one thing I could think of that would cause a bad memory

James: man you are good at this, but yeah I definitely remember dying here

Faye: will you be ok searching?

James: should be

As the two of us looked around the area, I decided to ask James something

Faye: you know I don't think you ever explained your plan to me before

James: huh I didn't? Would you like to know?

Faye: I would, knowing about the murders of the last killing games could help prevent other ones

James: well it's a little strange but bare with me, so the motive was that we all swapped bodies and I decided that the only way everyone could move forwards is if someone killed and well I couldn't end my own life so I had no choice I blackmailed the killer by telling them I ingested poison into my body and if they didn't help I would die and the motive would continue, so they did and thanks to a fulcrum system the timing worked perfectly for the death

Faye: interesting, that was certainly a complex plan

James: it only worked because the killer trusted me enough, if she didn't I would be long dead

Faye: well I appreciate you telling me

I feel I've grown to appreciate James alot more now

Zara's POV

It seemed myself and Alice had found ourselves a library of some kind, I don't doubt for a second the importance of this place

Zara: have any of the books caught your interest?

Alice: nah all of them are written by men so I don't care

Zara: I've found a few by Monokuma however they are all misdirections unfortunately

Alice: that is annoying, just what I would expect from that robot

Zara: are there any clues on your end?

Alice: just books and books ughhhh

Zara: I understand the feeling of being useless however I wouldn't worry too much

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