"Good afternoon..how can I help you?"asked the girl.

Kara hummed "I'm looking for willow.. a friend of mine gets these rather dreadful headaches you see.. I've tried a few prescription pills but reached its end, so now I'm in need of a more traditional blend." The lie was believable , after all she did have a friend who suffered from migraines. Lana — she would constantly complain and the only relief was a blend of willow and feverfew.

"How long has she been suffering from them?"

Kara leaned over the counter tapping her chin thoughtfully "a few years, since a young teen really. I've offered to rid of the problem by beheading her but as you can imagine that idea was shot down almost immediately" she smirked with with glint in her eye. The witch laughed uneasily.

"Yes I can see why.. so here this will work for your friend" she said offering a white package "Are you new around town? I've never seen you before"

Kara hummed "Yeah.. well not new. I lived here for years, when the place was bustling with every faction.. quite a sight to see" she trailed off "Now its become a husk of itself.." She took the package and dropped a hundred dollar bill on the counter "thank you for your help, I truly appreciate it. It will help my friend"

"Of course here's your change"

Kara shook her head "Keep it, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day love"


That same evening Rebekah arrived into town, she noticed a girl standing up against five vampires. The description of the woman was the same given by Elijah. Without anymore hesitance she sped over and rid the woman of her attackers. They dropped dead at her feet, she wiped her cheek of the spray of blood.


"Yes Rebekah Mikaelson at your service and you must be the one carrying my sisters spawn" she introduced with a tight smile when her eyes went down to the bottle in Hayley's hands. The lingering smell of a very particular herb met her senses.

"You were trying to get rid of it?" Asked Rebekah bluntly.

Hayleys face flushed with shame, the bottle in her hands would solve her problems. It would rid her of the fetus, get rid of the leverage the witches had over the Mikaelson clan and she could do what she came her for beside finding Kara, to find where she came from. "I was.." she admitted

Rebekah offered the woman an understanding nod "I see why didn't you? You could have been free from all this" she gestured to the dead bodies at their feet.

Hayley shut her eyes and put her hand on her belly "I couldn't.. I could never. This baby has done nothing to deserve it. A child doesn't get to choose the family they're born into.."

Rebekah glanced at the bodies once more , a dull ache of longing went through her "No.. we don't. We make due with what we have and hope it's enough"

Hayley raised a brow "I thought you Mikaelsons would always be there for each other. Always and forever isn't that the promise?"

A dry laugh left the blonde original "a thousand years is an awfully long time Hayley.."

Hayley nodded dully "It is isn't it?"


At the same time that Hayley and Rebekah were getting acquainted, Klaus was enjoying the party along with his friend Marcel. Kara was watching her plans slowly come to fruition. She never expected it to coincide so well though.

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