No child deserves a monster

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"Brother, I appreciate your protective nature, but let's cut to the chase. I've left France after discovering crucial information, and you said this was important. I'm not worried about threats; I've faced and defeated many foes in the past. A descendant coming after me is nothing new."

"Please explain to our sister the significance of this," Klaus interjected, taking great pleasure in unsettling his apathetic sister.

"You may brush off threats made against you, but how will you react when they target the child you had a part in creating?"

A hush fell over the hotel room as Kara gazed at Elijah for a moment before bursting into laughter, her hand covering her face.

"Oh, Elijah. Have you overlooked something? I am unable to bear children, none of us can. So, please refrain from testing my patience any further. Inform me of who is trying to harm me, so I can handle it before I depart."

"Have I ever lied to you before?" Elijah whispered.

Kara stood up, addressing her brother with a hesitant tone.

"He speaks the truth, Kara," Klaus added. "I have personally seen the girl, someone you might recognize."

"And who is the woman claiming to carry my miracle baby?" she growled.

"Hayley... Hayley Marshall. The young werewolf you met in Mystic Falls. She's quite beautiful, isn't she? I understand why you entertained the idea."

Kara clenched her teeth. "Deceptions and manipulations. I am a vampire! I cannot bear children. Even if mothers' spell didn't render me infertile, vampirism surely did," she spat angrily.

"Yes, you're a vampire, but you're also a wolf, the original hybrid before Niklaus. Wolves propagate through procreation, and no spell is everlasting, sister. There are loopholes to everything."

"Loopholes, surely you don't believe this, Niklaus? If you did, you'd have a crowd of potential mothers at your door," she said to Klaus, who maintained a carefully neutral expression, not wanting to upset his sister. Convincing her was the easy part; revealing the complexities behind it would be the challenge.

"Let me pose this question: do you deny being intimate with her?"

Kára scoffed, "Why would I? Yes, I did, several times that evening," she answered truthfully.

Klaus chuckled, "Indeed... and from one of those encounters, dear sister, you've contributed to the creation of a child who is half Mikaelson."

Kára let out a heartfelt sigh. "I desire to meet this extraordinary child first before considering my role as a potential parent."

"That is precisely why you are here. Someone is leveraging this girl to negotiate on behalf of their sibling."

"And may I ask, who is the daring individual willing to negotiate with the devil?"

"Sophie Devereux, a one-quarter witch."


In the underground chamber, Hayley perched on the tiny, uncomfortable bed, wishing she could escape this godforsaken town. She didn't want this, and she didn't believe her baby deserved it either. This witch was quickly turning into her top foe, using her unborn child as a bargaining tool. Who did she think she was, and what was she even thinking?

"Time's running out, Hayley. I don't take pleasure in ending a life so early, but a deal is a deal," the witch stated, making Hayley lock eyes with her.

With a flash of gold in her eyes, Hayley warned, "Lay a finger on me, and I'll show you why messing with a hormonal pregnant woman is a bad idea."

Sophie scoffed, "You chose to mess with an original, that's on you. Now you're facing the consequences."

"Maybe it was her lack of self-preservation that made her ignore my advice. I did mention that staying away from the Mikaelsons would be better for her survival.." Hayley's attention shifted from Sophie to the crypt's entrance as Kara Mikaelson appeared, looking stunning in black jeans, a delicate white top, and a tan coat, her hair cascading over her shoulder.

"Kara?" The woman's lackluster gaze shifted to her hand shielding her stomach, detecting a flicker of astonishment as she felt the pulse beneath. Those lackluster eyes met hers again.

"Are you sure it belongs to me?" The inquiry caught Hayley off guard, stirring a desire to react, yet she detected a pause, perhaps a touch of unease in those lackluster blue eyes.

"I wouldn't go through this if someone else were the other parent," she said softly.

Sophie scoffed, catching everyone's attention. The original's eyes turned towards her. "I don't care who you are. Your brothers made a deal. You need to bring my sister's body by midnight tonight, or Hayley and the baby will be in danger," she threatened. Sophie didn't flinch as a hand grabbed her cheeks firmly, bringing her face close to the hybrid's menacing expression.

"You have no power over me, witch," the ominous statement was accentuated by the gleaming fangs and the dark veins beneath Kara's eyes. "Do you really think you can control a hybrid? Do you think I care about this girl or her unborn child?"

Sophie's eyes widened "You wouldn't—"

Kára chuckled menacingly "Oh, trust me, you have no clue what I'm capable of." She let go of the witch upon noticing Hayley's pained reaction.

Her stare remained intense, her expression filled with malice "Kill her and the baby, why should I give a damn?" She paid no attention to Hayley's gasp and relished the fear emanating from the witch facing her.

"But your brother promised!"

Kára sneered, "He can try all he wants to make sure of that, but I won't be part of it. Goodbye Sophie Devereux. Just make sure we never meet again, because if we do, I'll be happy to end you."

She left without a second glance at her child and former lover. She was afraid that looking back would reveal her true brokenness to Hayley. The child was better off without her; no child should have a monster as a parent.


"Elijah, I don't want to hear your wishes now. You promised the witch what she wants, not me. I'll be leaving by morning."

Elijah grabbed his sister's arm. "That's your child!"

Kára quickly pushed him against the wall, tightening her grip around his neck. "What will this child bring me?" she asked fiercely. "Nothing—"

"No! This child could bring us closer! It could mend our broken bonds, sister! It could give you hope."

Kára tightened her grip on his neck, moving her face closer to Elijah's. "I've lost hope in this family, our siblings, our parents... that child is better off without ever knowing the Mikaelsons," she said.

Elijah pushed her against the wall, staring into her eyes that showed only pain, misery, and grief. "No, this child will give you something you've always wanted, Kara."

Kara punched Elijah in the face, causing him to let go of her. She looked at him with a blank expression. "There's nothing I've wanted, Elijah."

Elijah cleaned the faint bloodstain from his lip. "This child can give you the same love our youngest sibling once did."

"Don't speak his name!" she exclaimed. "He's a distant memory to all of you."

"What do you think he would say if he saw you had the opportunity to be a better parent but chose not to?"

The eerie alleyway was filled with tension, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. "Nothing, because he's dead. We're monsters - raising a child as a monster will only lead to suffering. I have no interest in this child. Save her and the child if you want, but count me out. Goodbye Elijah."


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