Alone (Epilogue 2)

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Six years later, 4:00pm

Jake looked down at Bella below him. She blinked shyly.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It's your choice, I won't force you."

"Yes, I want this, please just do it Jake."

"I don't want to do it without your permission, are you sure?" Bella calmed the excited butterflies in her chest.

"It's pretty big and I don't know if it'll fit, but I say let's go for it."

They squeezed their eyes shut and pressed the 'Purchase' button for the giant RJ plushie.

"Now I feel bad, your credit card bought this huge thing. It's so expensive!" Jake stepped off the chair and plopped down on the floor next to her. "Jin-sunbaenim better like it."

"He better, because I know it won't fit here in my room. And he told you to call him hyung if you wanted, because you're married to his sister and all that." Jake smirked.

"Oh yeah, and I fathered the niece and nephew he always wanted." Bella 'hmphed', turning her head away from her husband.

"Mommy!" A little bundle of energy raced into her leg as she clicked the screen, organising the shipping details.

Isabella's eldest child, Felix, looked up a her with enormous hazel-brown eyes that reminded her of his father. "Is that Uncle Jinnie's birthday present?"

Bella shared a look with Jake, both acknowledging the boundless ocean of love they held for their children.

"Yes Lixie, It is." She patted his mop of dark hair, lifting him into her lap and shutting the laptop. "You and Haruko can give it to him together." She pressed her forehead against her son's and he giggled, her now-long caramel hair tickling his cheek.

"Okay! I'm going to find her now." The boy rushed off to find his little sister, presumably to tell her about the giant sheep (llama) they were giving their uncle. Jake stood up, walking over to Bella and hugging her back.

"I love those names almost as much as I love our children." Bella laughed.

"Yeah, Niki picked a beautiful name for Haruko." Their three-year-old daughter was a little ray of sunshine, with her golden-brown hair and chubby little cheeks that brightened the room every time they rose. 

"Mmh." Jake hummed, helping her out of the chair and pecking her forehead. "And you picked a perfect name for Lixie, baby." Bella shooed him away.

"He's a brilliant kid. He says he wants to follow in your footsteps and major in physics, and he'sonly six. Oh look, there you are!" They turned to see their eldest child leading their toddler into the room, their hands joined and a blonde puppy following behind them. 

"Layla was hungry so we fed her and Trixie." Felix hugged his sister who's adorable little head was bopping up and down in agreement.

"Yeah." Haruko grinned up at her parents, almost fully-formed teeth on full display.

"Aw, thank you guys."  Isabella led the children to the living room where their godfather rested. He looked up, closing his phone and whatever questionable tab was open.

"Oh hey guys, did you finish buying the RJ for Jin sunbaenim?" Bella nodded.

"Yup." Jake greeted his makne with a hug, which Niki quickly returned.

"Awesome. Now we have to go to practice, sorry guys. I have to steal your dad. Sorry Izzy, I'm taking your Romeo." Felix and Haruko's faces dropped, before they ran to hug their father. 

Alone | Jake Sim x OCWhere stories live. Discover now