Karaoke with Beomgyu

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Part I

Karaoke with Beomgyu

Isabella's team won the laser tag game. Obviously. 

Between Yeonjun's wannabe-James Bond commando rolls and Huening Kai's fabulous acting, (who knew he could randomly burst into tears like that?) Bella could sneak around and even step on Beomgyu's foot multiple times before she shot all three of them. Hence, when the score got into the hundreds versus low teens, they decided to retire to the dance studios. 

After the hours-long laser tag games, four flights of stairs, and an hour of hardcore dance teaching, somehow energy levels were still high.

"AND A FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHTTTT." Kai shouted at the top of his lungs in English, gaining confused looks from his other four members.

"Why English?" Yeonjun replied, also in English. Kai shrugged, grinning proudly for no apparent reason. 

"Anyway," Taehyun grabbed Isabella's arm and moved it slightly. "Draw the arm across the body in front of you, then make an 'L' with your fingers." He showed her the motion and she copied. "Then wait three counts then do it with both hands-" Once again she copied him, "-and flip the Ls upside down with your wrists then back up. Nod your head with the hand. Oh, and bounce your knee to the beat while you're doing that."  

Bella watched carefully, imitating his wrist movement with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. 

"This is fun and all, but why can't we do karaokeeeeee." Beomgyu whined across the room at Taehyun, not-so-patiently watching him teach his bestie their dance from the side. 

"Because Izzy wants to finish this section." The almost-makne replied calmly, before he turned back to see an exhausted Bella flipping floppy wrists up and down with her fingers at a right angle.

"Maybe we could take a break and do karaoke." Soobin observed, and Bella collapsed on the floor.

"Yeah that sounds good. Could we finish Loser Lover another day, Taehyun?" She looked up at him from her starfish position on the floor and he smiled.

"Sure. Off to the karaoke room then." Beomgyu ran out of the room so fast Bella could've sworn she saw the walls move out of the way. 




Beomgyu and Bella were having a beautiful moment, hands interlocked and staring confidently out to their imaginary audience. Nothing in the world could beat them for this fleeting moment.

Fleeting, because Yeonjun and Huening Kai snatched the mics from them to scream a majestic: 

"IF THE WIND IN MY SAIL ON THE SEA STAYS BEHIIIIND MEEEEE~~" Wrangling back the mics to their rightful owners, all four of them danced on the grave of Soobin's eardrums.

"ONE DAY I'LL KNOOOOWWWW HOW FAR I'LL GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" They all pattered off until Yeonjun was left alone, hitting that high note like he would never sing again. 

"Okay thank you, that's enough." Soobin curled up in the corner, his hands protecting his vulnerable ears. "Let's play board games instead." He had no idea the chaos he had just unleashed, but it was getting darker outside and Soobin wanted the hours of screaming to stop, if only for a few minutes. 


The screaming had not stopped. As it turns out, Bella, Beomgyu, and Kai on a team against Yeonjun, Soobin, and Taehyun had been the worst idea Soobin had ever had. Although, Isabella looked to be having the time of her life and there was no mistaking that she just clicked with the two. It might have been the smaller age gap between her and Kai or maybe the kinship she already had with Gyu, but either way she seemed to forget her dilemma about Jake for a little while. Hopefully, the way she thought about relationships would change with time, and if they showed her they'd never leave she might feel a little more comfortable in a romantic relationship. Currently, they were playing monopoly in teams, and Huening Kai was ruthless. 

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