Chapter 24- Crushes

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Sparrow turned around and saw me sitting up in bed. He smiled in glee and sat on the bed, wiping his eyes. He cupped my cheek and kissed me lovingly. I happily kissed back, savoring the taste of his sweet lips. I only pulled away when I couldn't breathe.

"What happened? Who put you to sleep?" Sparrow asked.

"Faybelle. She thought sprinkling me with the dust as we entered the grounds would be a funny prank to show off to all her wicked friends," I explained, crossing my arms.

Sparrow smiled and kissed me, making me smile. I looked deeply into his eyes, mesmerized by his green hues. I leaned in, closing my eyes, and kissed him softly. He leaned in closer, deepening the kiss.

I pulled away from Sparrow, making him whine. I smiled and kissed him quickly.

"Another movie night tonight?" I suggested.

Sparrow nodded, knowing that nothing could disturb us.

We walked out of the dorm room and met Raven, Apple, and Cupid in the Castleteria. They happily hugged me, Cupid giving Sparrow a smug look. I sat with my friends while Sparrow went over to his usual table. Tucker nodded to him, Sparrow nodding back.

"Dude, we're having practice later for the concert tomorrow. Are you in?" Tucker asked.

"Sure," Sparrow said as Alistair Wonderland and Hunter Huntsman joined them.

Alistar kept sneaking glances at Bunny, which Sparrow found odd. When Bunny noticed him looking at her, he looked away quickly and blushed. Sparrow then quickly came to the conclusion that Alistair had a crush on Bunny.

Meanwhile, Bunny shrugged it off and tried to look for her friends, but she couldn't find them anywhere. She looked over and saw Maddie sitting with me, so she walked over to the table.

"May I sit?" Bunny asked.

I nodded. "I'm Bunny Blanc."

"Maria Maid, nice to meet you. Daughter of the White Rabbit, I presume?" I asked politely.

Bunny nodded, glancing at Alistair. Maddie smiled, hiding a laugh behind her hand. Sparrow glanced at me, pointing at Alistar, making a heart, and then pointing at Bunny. I nodded. I leaned over to Maddie.

"Does Bunny have a thing for Alistair?" I whispered.

"They both have a thing for each other, but they keep flooty-flying around each other like hats," Maddie explained.

I ate the rest of my dinner and dumped my tray. I walked over to Sparrow and leaned in closely to him.

"They are exactly like you and I were," I whispered, cupping his ear. I moved his hat to cover his eyes and left, probably going to my dorm.


Hunter and Alistair glanced at each other before looking curiously at Sparrow as he fixed his hat.

"Who was that?" Alistair piped up.

"Maria, one of the band members," Sparrow explained, blowing his bangs out of his face.

"A girl? Joined your band?" Hunter asked in disbelief.

"She's good, and she gets along well with us," Tucker explained, picking at his food.

"I don't believe it, man. The prissy little princess who sits with a bunch of girls joined a band full of hardcore rock songs?" Hunter snickered.

"She's not some prissy little princess. She's actually really cool, and you would let her join if you met her," Sparrow said, raising his tone slightly.

"Jeez, Sparrow. If I didn't know any better, I would say you have a crush on the girl." Alistair raised an eyebrow while smirking.

Sparrow grumbled and stood up, grabbing his tray and dumping it. Alistair and Hunter watched as he stormed out of the Castleteria.

"Well he's in a bad mood," Hunter grumbled.

"You don't understand, bro. He's really close to that girl," Tucker said.

"It's not like he's dating her though," Alistair replied.

"I'm not so sure about that. They practice every day out in the courtyard. Didn't you see that photo Blondie posted?" Tucker asked.

Hunter choked on his food. "Wait. That's Maria? I thought it was just some girl he was trying to flirt with " Hunter said.

"Nah," Tucker replied, not wanting to take the conversation any further.

Hunter tried to press him for more information, but failed.

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