Chapter 10- Late

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"Today, we're not going to practice here," Sparrow said as we walked through the Muse-ic room doors.

"Then, where are we going to practice?" I asked.

Sparrow led me out the doors and to the edge of the Enchanted Forest. I smiled and whistled for Electra. Electra emerged from the forest a few minutes later and jumped into my arms.

I also felt something wrap around my leg. I looked down and saw the snake from earlier. "Well, hello again." I smiled. I held out my arm and the snake wrapped around it, removing itself from my leg. I turned around and held my arm out to Sparrow. "I believe this is yours."

Sparrow took my hand and kissed it before letting the snake ravel around his arm. I pulled my hand away, blushing. Electra nuzzled my cheek and I giggled. "Careful not to ice me."

Electra looked behind me and saw my guitar. Electra used her claws to strum it. I set Electra on the grass, sitting down and pulling my guitar over my shoulder. I let Electra run her claws over the strings, making odd but beautiful notes.

Sparrow chuckled and sat down next to me. Electra looked at Sparrow curiously and crawled over to him. Electra blew at his face, making Sparrow shiver. The dragon batted at his hat with her claw, making it fall off. Sparrow groaned in annoyance and grabbed his hat from the grass.

"Why is it always me with dragons?" Sparrow mumbled.

I giggled, fixing his hat and brushing his hair back into place. "I think you'll manage with mine." I sat down in front of him and looked him in the eye. "We need to talk about what happened yesterday or Cupid will never leave me alone."

Sparrow looked down at his hands. "We just got... caught up in the moment. That's all."

"So, you don't have feelings for me? At all?" I asked.

"No! No, we're just friends. We've always been friends, right?" Sparrow stammered.

"Right." I blew out a breath of what sounded like relief, but was really disappointment.

We both turned back to our guitars and played in sync with each other, our animals hissing or squeaking at random points. As the last little bits of sunlight set, making the night starry, we glanced at each other and laid on our backs. I admired the stars, watching them twinkle.

Sparrow glanced at me repeatedly. Sparrow reached for my hand blindly. I looked at his hand moving and held it with mine. I smiled and let out a breath, this time out of satisfaction. I just wanted to stay there, sitting in peaceful silence with my closest friend.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling noise coming from underneath me. We glanced at each other, our pupils dilated and faces pale.

"What time is it?" Sparrow breathed.

As if to answer his question, the clocktower struck midnight and vines slowly emerged from the ground. Our hands separated and we ran to our dorms. I looked at him curiously as he ran into the forest from my dorm room window.

"Don't worry, he's fine. His dorm room is in the woods." Cupid noticed my outfit. "Why are you still in your clothes? And why are you not in bed?"

"I went to go see Electra and the snake and I lost track of time," I lied.

"Yeah, I know you're lying. I saw you from the window with Sparrow." Cupid laughed.

I blushed as I walked into the closet and changed into my nightgown. I came out and saw Cupid turned over in bed. The woods was directly in front of our window. I could barely see anything in the moonlight, except a few shadows moving on the very edge.

There, at the edge of the forest, was Sparrow, sitting on the ground while playing with Electra. I had to put a hand over my mouth to keep myself from laughing. I saw the same bond in them that I had with Sparrow's snake.

Electra stopped moving for a moment and looked at me. Sparrow stood up and blew me a kiss. Waving at him, I rolled my eyes and smiled back. Sparrow waved back before heading back into the forest. I watched him leave and then crawled into bed, lying awake with my eyes open. I tried to close my eyes, but you couldn't. A weird emotion I couldn't put my finger on made my heart flip whenever I thought of Sparrow. I had felt it earlier when I held Sparrow's hand.

As sleep was about to consume me, I sat up in bed, just figuring out what the emotion was.

The feeling was love.

Even though I wanted to, I couldn't deny it.

I fell in love with Sparrow Hood.

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