Chapter 6- Duets and Realizations

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The next day was Monday, and I was not a morning person on weekdays. Cupid had to shake me awake a couple times before having to find strategies to wake me up.

"(Y/n), Sparrow is standing in the doorway." Cupid smirked, waiting for me to fall out of bed.

Instead, I rolled over and pulled my sheets closer to me. Cupid rolled her eyes and came up with a new plan. "Don't make me call him over," Cupid threatened.

I groaned and kicked the sheets off of me. "Finally. Get out of bed, get dressed, and we can walk to class together."

I nodded groggily and walked into the closet. I brushed my hair and picked out an outfit. I came out of the closet and Cupid looked at me.

"I don't know why, but I feel awake now," I said.

Cupid nodded. "Engaging your brain while picking your outfit helps you wake up. Come on. We need to get to class."

We walked out the door together and to Mythology. The teacher welcomed me, as well as my teachers in Creative Storytelling and Fashion Design. My assignments that night were to come up with a story using characters from Greek mythology--which Mom had made me memorize when I was little--and to sketch a dress for a princess. I then walked to lunch with Kitty, discussing funny pranks I had seen or heard about. Even though I was not evil, I still found it funny when Kitty told me about a guy that put sand in a smoothie or about a girl putting red dye on her roommate's toothbrush.

My next class was boring, since they were only reviewing equations. The teacher gave me a review packet for homework and told me to get it done by the following Monday. Like I couldn't do these problems in my sleep.

Muse-ic class was fun, if I considered fun to be Sparrow sneaking glances at me every five seconds and trying to flirt. I rolled my eyes at some of his lines, and some lines I would respond to by flirting back. Otherwise, we would talk normally, as we were sitting next to each other.

"Do you flirt with every girl you see?" I asked once, annoyed by his flirting.

"I only flirt with girls I find interest in, especially when it comes to you," Sparrow said, keeping his eyes on the piece of paper in front of him.

I blinked once and blushed lightly, pushing a piece of hair out of my face and going back to the worksheet. I even thought I saw his hand try to touch mine. Thinking my mind was only playing tricks on me, while in reality, Sparrow was trying to reach for my hand in hope for an appeal to him.

I was given relief when the bell rang, but was stopped by Sparrow grabbing my hand. His grip was soft, and his fingers were smooth.

"See you after classes." He winked at me and let go of my hand.

You then went to Drama and enjoyed doing little skits with your classmates. We danced around, enjoying our time together. One guy was easy to adapt to my dancing style, and by the end the class cheered.

After Drama, I grabbed my guitar from my room and sped off to the Muse-ic room. For once, Sparrow was early. He looked up as I walked through the classroom door. He stood up. "Hey," Sparrow greeted.

"Hi," I replied, grabbing my guitar from my back.

I played a few chords as a warm up. I sat on a desk next to Sparrow, making sure to keep somewhat of a distance between us. Sparrow scooted closer to me and handed me a sheet of paper. I placed the paper in my lap and fingered the notes.

"Wait, that note is wrong." Sparrow stopped me.

I paused and looked at him. Sparrow wrapped an arm around me and fixed my fingering on the note. I blushed as Sparrow took my other hand and played the note. He let go of my hands and turned back to his own guitar, satisfied.

"You could've just shown me," I mumbled, fighting back a blush.

Sparrow smirked at me. "But then where's the fun in that?"

Sparrow stared into my eyes with adoration in his, and the very action almost made my heart explode. I looked away after what felt like forever and hummed to myself. I felt myself calm down, singing myself into contentment.

Sparrow stared at me, admiring my voice he had only heard when we first met. He hummed the same song quietly along with me.

I stopped playing in shock. I never knew he could sing. Without being obnoxious, that is. I stopped humming and looked at him. Sparrow stopped humming in notice.

"I never knew you could sing," I said.

Sparrow smiled. "I tend to surprise people. Most people think I have really bad singing, but that's only when I want to sing badly."

I continued to hum. Sparrow hummed with me in harmony, placing his hand on mine. I blushed. After a few moments, I held his hand, taking the risk. His breath hitched. His were toned and tanned, his leather gloves covering up his palm. I blinked once, realizing what was going on. It was like I wasn't doing it on my own accord, but yet, I was at the same time.

The song soon turned into a beautiful harmony, our tones perfectly matching each other. We faded out the last note and leaned in closer, and closer, and closer...

The door burst open, making us jump apart. There stood Cupid, looking at us sheepishly.

"Hi, guys." She waved awkwardly. "Am I interrupting something?"

Sparrow looked at her, annoyed, while I straightened and dusted off my skirt.

"No, you're not," I replied. I turned to Sparrow. "Thank you for practice today, Sparrow. I really appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow."

I put my guitar on my back and walked over to Cupid, where we walked out of the door together.

A Mixed-Up Destiny DisasterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora