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A Leg Up

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A Leg Up

It had been two weeks since Harley had seen her friends, for a few different reasons. One being that she was finally given time off so she used it to go visit her family but also because they had been in Vegas celebrating Nattie and TJ. Though Harley would have loved to go and celebrate with them, she was underage so she wouldn't be able to get into places or too much, it was just not worth the time. But she of course made sure to send them all her love and send them good gifts.

Though with two weeks of not being there it was time for Harley to get herself back into the groove of training. She decided to meet with Trinity and Jon to train but also to catch up on what she's missed while gone.

"Trinity!" Harley screamed running up to the girl who was standing with her fiance.

The girl in question turned, opening her arms for her friend, "Harls!" She squealed as they reached one another.

Jon, Trinity's finance, gave them a strange look, "Damn, ya'll sound like some hyenas." He teased them.

Harley turned, smacking his chest playfully, "Uh- excuse you."

"Just saying." He threw his hands up in defense.

They walked into the training facility, setting their things down before stretching themselves,  "How was vegas?"

Trinity let out a dramatic sigh, "How wasn't vegas? Things got wild, girl."

"I saw all the pictures." Harley chuckled at her exaggeration, "Y'all really went beyond Brie Mode."

"I'm sad you didn't get to go."

Harley shrugged, "Me too but, not twenty-one yet so I wouldn't have been able to do much."

"You know I still find that hard to believe." Jon spoke up, "Like I know you aren't but you should be."

"I wish. So I can go clubbing, experience Brie Mode, hook up with a bunch of randos–"

Jon sent her a knowing look, "Girl you hate going out."

"I know." Harley admitted she was a total homebody.

"When you turn twenty-one, we gon turn your house into a club so you don't even have to leave the couch." Jon expressed putting his hand up for Harley to high five.

She complied with the gesture and perked up with admiration, "That sounds amazing."

Trin chuckled, "Just a few more months."

The three finished stretching and then were later joined by the newer diva, Jojo. Between two new girls, Trinity and Harley formed a better bond with her. 

"So what do you have for us today, trainer Jon?" Trinity playfully said but Jon was serious about helping them.

Getting them to run up and down the stairs, use the ropes and use a weighted ball to help with other workouts. They definitely messed around a bit but we're serious about their training.

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