Chapter XII

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   It's been a week since Moon-Jo's incident at the school. Mr. Marino let him off with a warning, since he understands how high school students can be a handful at times. I'm happy Moon-Jo was not sent away, but I'm also very sad, because now we don't talk to one another, share lunches, or even say 'hello' and 'good-bye'. I know there is something wrong with Moon-Jo, but I can't put my finger on it. As I think about all these things, I suddenly remember Moon-Jo saying he had his own dental practice back in Seoul. However, he didn't tell me the name of it. Nevertheless, I get on my computer and type search "Dentist offices in Seoul, South Korea". Multiple results come up, but once I scroll past all the ad results, there is one that catches my eyes. It is an article about a dentist who was discovered to be a serial-killer. Intrigued, I click on the page, and there, right under the heading, are pictures of Moon-Jo at his clinic.

 Intrigued, I click on the page, and there, right under the heading, are pictures of Moon-Jo at his clinic

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I almost want to pass out, but the urge to learn more keeps me blacking out.

'It has been discovered, that the owner of the Eden Resistance, Ms. Eom Bok-Soon, and her tenants, which include: Seo Moon-Jo, Hong Nam-Bok, and Byeon Deuk-Jong, are responsible for the murders of at least 7 Seoul residents. Seo Moon-Jo, who was apparently the director of the group, according to our sources, is the owner of a local dentist office. It is believed that he used his expert skills in dentistry to torture his victims, before ending their lives. All of this information is just a speculation until a first witness account can be produced. Unfortunately, Seo Moon-Jo was unable to be apprehended, due to the fact that he has already fled the country by the time the police had connected the recent missing cases to Eden Residence.'

My emotions are jumping all over the place, and I find it so hard to believe what I just read. How can the man who I share lunches with, live by, and love be a cold-blooded killer? I just can't believe it. As if he knew I needed to talk to him, Moon-Jo knocks on my classroom door. I'm slightly afraid of him, but a part of me is feeling safe in the fact that the article might be wrong, and that Moon-Jo is actually just a victim himself of Eden Residence. Becoming aware of my anxiousness around him, Moon-Jo asks what is wrong. Still hesitant to bring up the article, I try my best to brush it off as stress, but he doesn't buy it. Before I can say or do anything, he rushes over to me and places his hand on my forehead. As he checks to make sure I am not sick, his eyes find the light of my computer screen and I see his entire demeanor change. He is no longer worried about me, but rather has a cold, sinister look on his face. Realizing I have no other option, I ask, "Did you really do it Moon-Jo?" He removes his hand from my forehead and hangs his head while snickering. "You just couldn't help yourself could you Miss D'Angelo?" he asks. I angrily stand up from my chair and get right up to him, to the point that the tips of our noses are almost touching. "Did you do it Moon-Jo," I ask firmly. Licking his bottom lip and rubbing over it with his thumb, he makes his way towards my shelves in the back of the classroom. He picks up the teeth model and asks, "Do you want me to tell you how I tortured all those people?" Trying to suppress a tear at the realization that is now hitting me like a ton of bricks, I speed walk towards him, but stop short just a few inches away. "How could you do such a terrible thing, and then not even be man enough to pay for them," I yell. Giggling like a child, he responds, "We all do terrible things Miss D'Angelo, just some are punishable by law, while others are only punishable by God. I just chose the latter, because I found it more fun and rewarding. Now crying, I ask, "In what way is it more rewarding?" "Clearly you have never seen a person's tooth being extracted. Ah, the anxiety that runs through their veins, along with the fear in their eyes is truly something to see. However, when you do the process without any anesthetics, the reward is even greater. Their screams of pain, the blood that gushes everywhere due to their heart pumping so much blood towards their mouth, and the way they fight to break from their restrains. All of these things are so amazing to witness, especially when you are the cause of it all." Horrified by his words, I try to run out of the room, but he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me to his chest. Whipping my tears off my cheeks with his free hand he asks, "Do you see now why I told you to stay out of my past?" My tears are uncontrollable, and I can't find my words, so I stay silent. Once I gain control of myself, I ask, "So, now that I know, what are you going to do to me? Kill me too?" Laughing lightly he responds, "No Anna, your far to special to me. I know you won't say anything about what I've told you, you care far to much about your parents to do something so stupid." My heart rate increases, and for a moment I feel as though it will break out of my chest. "Why are you doing this Moon-Jo," I ask, while trying to even out my breathing. "Simply to keep you in line my dear," he replies as he uses his hand to brush my wet bangs off my sweaty forehead. "I just have one question for you, why did you indirectly urge me to get close to you if you knew it would come to this," I inquire. "Because despite the consequences, I knew I had to make you mine," he says as he gives me a genuine smile. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, so he clarifies, "We kissed Anna, if you remember. Furthermore, you fully consented to it. Therefore, in a way, you've made yourself mine. Now, no other man can look, touch, or kiss you the same way as I do. If anyone dares, I'll end them, and you know I'm fully capable of it to." "So, getting me to love you was your plan all along?" I ask in disbelief. He only smirks. Shaking my head, I try to break loose from his hold on me, but it is to strong. Just wanting to leave the school entirely, I say, "Ok! I promise I won't say anything. Just please don't hurt my parents." He smiles creepily, before letting go of me. Without even bothering to pack up my things, I dart out of the room and the school all together.

It's to late now my dear Anna, even when you will no longer see me, I will always have my eyes on you.

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