Chapter IV

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   I wake up to the sound of a taxi cabs honking their horns and the smell of freshly baked chocolate croissants coming in through the window from the bakery shop across the road. Summer is coming to an end, and all the tourists are eager to return back to their home towns. Next week school will start back up again, but all of the teachers must go in early to get their classrooms back in order for the year.

It's just after 8 in the morning as I drive into the teachers only parking area. After collecting all of my things, I make my way to the main entrance of the school. When I get in, the history and fine arts teachers, Luca and Elena, are chatting with one another, while the school nurse, Mrs. Russo, is restocking her bandage cabinet. As I walk towards the my classroom, Mr. Marino, the school principal, calls me into his office. With a quick turn of my heel, I head towards his office. By the time I reach it, Mr. Marino has already sat back down at his desk and is talking to someone across from him, who is out of view, due to the door. Making my way further into office, I start to see more and more of the person. Then, when I am fully past the door, I see him, the man from the airport. To stunned to speak, I look at Mr. Marino, waiting for him to say something, and he does. "Miss Anna, I would like you to meet one new geography teacher, Mr. Seo," he says as I Mr. Seo stands up and shakes my hand, "Mr. Seo is from the Gangnam region of Seoul, South Korea, and has kindly offered to take Mrs. Louise's teaching position while she is on her three month pregnancy leave. I would like you to show him around and help him to become familiar with the school grounds before next week."While trying not to stutter, I respond, "Welcome to the school Mr. Seo." He smiles and tells me that I can call him Moon-Jo. Trying not to blush, I clear my throat and turn to tell Mr. Marino that I would be happy to show Moon-Jo around. He smiles and sends us on our way. I'm trying not to show it, but I'm so excited to get to know Moon-Jo.

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