Chapter 14: Zilch

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?: "excuse left this behind"

A stone figure with white hair and angelic wings stood in their view, he held out Syris' handkerchief. But who was this? How did he have it? He must have been at the church, he didn't remember seeing a stone person, that isn't the norm. Maybe he was wearing a hat? He would have noticed the wings... before long his thoughts were interrupted by the need to get it.

Syris smiles and walks toward the figure, their hands touching eachothers softly, the cold stone and the warm skin pressing on the other was a small shock. Syris takes the Hankerchief.

The stone boy blushed and stood stunned. Syris tried to meet his eyes but noticed they didn't have pupils. In that moment Trollovier walked over and draped his arm over Syris' shoulder and looked at the statue

T: "Thankyou, we will be on our way"

He tried to pull Syris away while smiling

The stone angel stood there and waved goodbye until Syris looked away, a quiet wind sweeps some dusty dirt off the sidewalk. He flew at a medium distance away from them, keeping an eye on Syris; to make sure he doesn't let him know he's there.

Trolliver looked over his shoulder to see if they were out of ear shot of the looming stone stranger. As he looked there was nothing but a little ruffle in the rose bush to the side of the sidewalk. Because that wasn't very suspicious and he didn't have any reason to fear them being followed, he spoke.

T: "Did you know that guy? He was kinda creepy, and that look he gave you-" He snarled under his breath

S: "Hey, you don't have to worry about anything, he was probably just stunned by how pretty we are~" He smirked and sass walked a little.

T: "I know, I know... but still. Don't be caught alone by him. I have a feeling"

S: "Okay, I'll keep it in mind but that won't stop me from being friendly or nice"

They kept talking with the statue following close by, getting closer and closer, making sure not to get caught.

Eventually the pair came up to Trollivers door on the first floor it read 108 in metal numbers on the outside of the door frame. He and Syris said goodbye, Trolliver greeted Radian and Breathany while Syris began walking to his own room on the second floor. He walked in and let the door close behind him, as it usually did.

He whistled a little tune to himself, totally in his own world. He noticed Hoodude wasnt there, not totally uncommon. Then when he turned around toward the door to put his bag on its hanging hook he saw the towering statue he had seen earlier lunge at him, pinning him to the floor. The stone figure mounted him, an elbow in each of his hands, he was an entire foot larger than Syris so naturally he panicked.

?: "You know I adore you, right?~"

Syris stammered, stunned. He didn't know what to say, or if saying anything would be dangerous, he didn't know if he should fight or stay still. So he looked up at him and used his go to mechanism when he was scared and confused.

Without breaking eye contact his eyes started welling up and his eyebrows and lips quivered.

S: "p-please don't hurt me..."

He managed to choke out

?: "I'm not gonna hurt you I promise~ unless of course you ask me to~"

Syris whimpered, he didn't know what to do, so, naturally; he asked

S: "What d-do you want from m-me-?" He still sounded scared but the angel hadn't done anything yet

?:"I think you know exactly what I want" He smirked, letting some of the pressure off of one of Syris' elbows, moving his hand down to the others wrist, he gripped it pulling it over His head. His other arm did the same until he used one hand at full force to pin Syris' wrists above his head. With the other hand he gently held the blondes jaw, looking into his worried eyes, he ran his cold thumb over the others shaking lip.

He slowly pressed his thumb into Syris' mouth, feeling the top of his tounge with the pad of his thumb. He pulled it back out slowly and smiled.

Syris breath hitched as he felt his blood rush to his dick.

-thinking-  Syris: "WHY HERE?! WHY NOW? FUCK MY LIFE, IS IT THESE DAMN PHARAMONE THINGS? Ugh. Well fuck it, he is kinda hot... NO. NO. What are you thinking?? You can't lay with a man. But he's also a church goer? That doesn't make it okay. Well, I sinned once for a man... I'll go along with it, act through it, and maybe if I'm enough of a slut, he'll let me off with a warning. Yep, good idea."

Syris, in an attempt to scare him off started sucking the statues thumb sensually. He bobbed his head and with that he also subtlety moved his pelvis, acting like something he thought he wasn't, wasn't easy. He had only had porn as a reference for how to do anything sexual. He didn't masterbate to it though, it was like TV, but always watched with headphones.

The stone figure pulled his thumb out and licked it off

?: "Good, now. I'm going to stand up, you are going to get yourself ready, I will watch and when you are ready, sit on your knees. Understood?" His eyes lacked pupils but that didn't stop his somehow piercing gaze.

Syris nodded and felt the tension release on his wrists. He gripped at them, feeling they were gonna be bruised he tried to message a little of it out in the period of The stone angel standing up.

He stood up and offer syris a hand to stand, he reluctantly took it and stood up. He turned his back to him and walked toward his bathroom. The stalker followed close behind, making sure to be on enough guard that Syris couldn't run.

Once in the bathroom he reached under the sink, and grabbed 2 things, a bottle and a 5 strand of condoms. He turned to face the other and tried to walk past him to go back into the main room. He stepped aside and stayed close, making sure he didn't dart for the door. Much to his surprise he put the stuff at the foot of his bed and sat, on his knees in the middle. He looked at him and said one request before they started.

S: "There is a bright red tie in the top drawer of my night stand to my left, do you kind putting it on the door so much roomate knows not to enter?"

He did and locked it on his way back. Syris sat there, nervous.

"You must have really wanted this, huh?~"


[To be continued in Chapter 15: Baetyl]

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