Chapter 3: Dispair

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Morning eventually came; it had been a few days but he couldn't prosses that he was leaving.


His mother was cooking crepes downstairs. He came out first, he hadn't slept well. The nerves were getting to him. This was his last day home and he decided to help his mother get all of his stuff in the car before any of his siblings woke up, for he knew it would kill them to see him leave.

Though he was leaving at 3 it felt like time was slow, he was soaking up the last moments he'd have with his family before he was half way across the continent; in New Salem, Massachusetts. He was from Upper East BC, Canada, and didn't know what America was like.

The time of 2 eventually came, they wanted to get there early so security wouldn't be an issue. His father gave him a going away gift. It was a card and he said not to open it until he got there. It was odd becuse his dad wasn't exactly the gifts type of guy.

So, with many "Text me about it" "keep us updated" and "We already miss you" -s later they got to the air port. They all helped load luggage to security and get it put in the cargo hold. It all went truth with little to no issue. And with one last goodbye and hugs all around... his family left, Syris sat in the waiting area and read the Monster High rules.

He read through the no bullying policies, rights as a student to respect and be respected, and the suspension and expulsion requirements before his section was boarding.

He got on and was seated on the inside by a very obviously stuck up middle aged white woman and on the window side was a goth teen. He couldn't tell their gender and didn't get the opportunity to ask before they fell asleep.

The plane ride was long but it was a straight shot. Just over 16 hours of a long plane ride and it was surprisingly calm. The goth person stayed sleeping and asked me to flag down a flight attendant. They asked for a monster but they didn't have them so they ordered a coffee. The Karen in the middle kept flagging down assistants loudly when she needed something qnd asked for peanuts like 6 times.

He texted Headmaster Blood-Good before they landed to make sure she was ready. For him it felt like 7 am but the time zone here said it was 10am. He's glad his phone automatically detected the timezone shift.

When he got off of the plane he found Headmaster Blood-Good in the lobby and she had a few gargoyles help with getting the luggage into the empty school bus for him. Syris readys for making a suggestion.

S; "So, while I was on the plane I was familiarizing myself with the school rules..." He paused

Headmaster; "Ah, really? I'm glad to hear"

S; "Yes, I pride myself on following instructions and you were gracious enough to give me a scholarship"

Headmaster; "So, do you have any questions?"

S; "about the dress code.. your words were "use personal discretion" is there a limit to that?"

Headmaster; "If you are comfortable being seen in it. You can wear it. Self expression is valued alot at this school."

Syris; "That is one of the schools core values?" He presses, he wanted to know if expressing flamboyance would be okay.

Headmaster; "Yes. And those who poke fun at someone becuse of their gender identity or gender expression are automatically suspended. There is also a 1 time tolerance toward homophobic or racist bullying were as normally you would need 3 strikes"

Syris started tearing up. He finally felt accepted and like he wouldn't have to worry about expressing himself freely. He dabbed off his tears with the palms of his hands covered in his hoodie sleeve. Headmaster looked at him puzzled

Hm; "Syris. Are you alright-?" She looked worried for him.

Syris; "I just- *sniffle* I couldn't... express myself before *sniffle*"

Headmaster smiled and the car came to a stop, she glanced out the window at the towering building. They were parked behind the school in the parking lot. The dorms were a short walk to the side and it looked almost like a motel. It was very well kept and honestly quite impressive.

The gargoyles all grabbed a box or two and dropped them off in the main room of this dorm. The first room you saw was the bedroom. On one wall there were 2 beds a few feet apart and across from that there was a desk and a TV on a matching birch stand.

If you walk straight forward through a bead curtain into the kitchen and there is a hall way off to the left with a bathroom and 2 extra storage closets. The kitchen had a navy corner couch and 2 matching seats on the other side of a table with a spider web table cloth.

The person who moved in first had a changing wall along the corner between their bed and the wall on their side.

Syris and Blood-Good agreed on meeting in the morning the next day so he could walk around the grounds and familiarize himself. That being the school and dorm areas. And so he could settle in and unpack.

Headmaster; "Your roommate will be back at noon" She smiles before walking out with the flock of stone men.

Syris sighs qnd flops on his bed. The white sheets and matching comforter set would not say long. That was goal 1. He opened the box that was labeled "Bed set" He took out the pillowcases, weighed blankets, and sheets. The pattern was black and red checker. He switched them out and made his bed before folding the white ones qnd walking down the skinny hallway to the 2 doors next to eachother.

One of them had a signed poster of Hatsune Miku. She was dressed quite suggestively. So he looked for a moment and opened the other door, he saw it was empty and put it on the bottom shelf and it fit perfectly.

For the next little while he rebuilt his small book shelf and placed the floating shelves on the walls. It was diffrent but somehow still the same.

He opened a box that he didn't notice until then but the label read:

"A gift from big bro~"


[To be continued in Chapter 4: Defense]

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