Chapter 10: Complex

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He felt a pair of hands grab his shoulders and felt this presence behind him.

It was startling and with the added anxiety of being high in church he flinched. Out of curiosity he looked back to see an older priest. The priest only looked about 29. He remembered his name becuse he introduced himself the last time Syris was there. His name was Father Louis.

Father Louis smiled and tightened his grip a little, he started messaging his shoulders and Syris just looked back forward and listened to the instructions when told to grab the Bible in the compartment on the back of the seat infront of him.

Father Louis just kept rubbing and eventually inched to rubbing his collar-bone. You could feel it through his shirt. Father didn't leave him alone the entire service and when the food time came the stoner munchies had kicked in and he was ready to Eat.

He grabbed a plate and dished some up,trying to avoid Father Louis. His message was nice but weird, it felt like he was using body language to hypnotize him. He sat back down, alone but then Sister Lillia came up to him and asked.

Sister Lilla: "So, likeing all the food?" She smiled then looked at his eyes, they were red, a little teary and glassed over.

He couldn't tell if his eyes were watering because he was ridiculously high or becuse he was scared of Father Louis. He made Syris uncomfortable and his motions were so weirdly sensual. Maybe; he thought to himself, he was getting the wrong idea.

S: "Yes, thankyou so much Sister. Is it alright if I stay with you? Father Louis-" He was cut off

Her eyes widened and she immediately understood, she noticed from afar what he was doing and she replied mid sentence

Sister Lillia: "You need not explain, I can stay with you" She smiled

He smiled and ate again and between bites a million and one questions ran through his head.

S: "Am I the first person hes done that to-?" He asked sheepishly

Sister Lillia: "No, unfortunately there have been many before you" She frowned a little. A silence forms.

He sighs and changes conversation.

S: "So, how long have you been interested in cooking?" He takes another bite as her eyes light up; as if she had been waiting to talk about it for a while and nobody was invested.

Sister Lillia: "Well, when I was young I cooked for my family with my mother. Then as soon as I saw I could take it as an extra-curricular during Sunday school summer break I did, That just kinda kept going and now I'm here" She smiled and reminisces

S: "I have a cooking class this semester, you should give me a recipe to wow the teacher" He suggests "Wouldn't be hard considering all of this food is amazing"

She blushed and embaressedly flapped her hand at him

Sister Lillia: "Oh stop it~"

The pastor went up to the front and dismissed everyone and told them the usual speel about the confession rooms and God loving everyone. Sister Lillia walked Syris out the doors and let him walk down the street to the school property.

He walked and as soon as he stepped out he started feeling weird as he thought about how he didn't remember 90% of what just happned and how he's gonna have to watch his back. Or not~ Maybe because hes kinda hot or becuse he was the head nurse and exorcist hut something qbout Father Louis was just perfect! Almost made him want to test the limits and see how far he'd go.

He got back to Breathany's door and knocked on it. A moment later there was shuffling and she yelled from somewhere in the house

B: "Be there In a second!-"

He waited and after a few seconds she opened the door really fast and a little smoke was sitting in the room. She coughed into her hand and her jaw dislocated and she clicked it together fast. She opened the door more and let him in.

He looked into the hazy room and all he could hear was the shower going, and he saw gauge standing suspiciously with a stand about 3 feet tall with a sheet over it. They pulled it off after the door closed and revealed the true nature of this object. It was a 3 foot tall bong in a spring shape thats glass was twisted to look like a pink candycane.

The wet heat in the air of the whole-house-Hawaii-hotbox was crushing but nice, he looked around but didn't see Trollovier. In confusion he turned his gaze to Breathany, she; in the .2 seconds he wasn't looking started packing a bowl into an about 9 inch silicone pipe.

Syris looks over and smiles, Breathany looks back and spins it on her finger like a pen so the extended mouth peice was toward him. She held up a lighter and Syris shrugged before putting his lips on the mouthpiece. She struck the lighter and the flame was pink and very tall; she tilted it so the top and into the center of the packed weed started to glow as he sucked the fire in. He pulled off and opened his mouth, blowing the thick, white smoke out in long bands that lingered in the air.

He coughed out the last little bit and cleared the smoke around him a little. He sighed and looked up only to see Trollovier walking over; his shoulders and hips on an opposite swivel as he walked over and put his hand on his knee to lean over and take a hit. He does and leans in close to Syris who was still sitting beside them. He parted his lips and blew the Smoke out at him. Their eyes locked as Syris looked up at him; they admired eachothers eyes.

B: "Tension!"


[To be continued in Chapter 11: Roiling]

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