Chapter 12: Ravenous

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"Can you two just hook up already?"

Everyone looks at her dumbfounded

S: "Heh, sorry I'm not- uhh... not... active"

T: "Well I- uh. Uhm. BREATHANY. Stay in line!" He snaps back from being flustered.

B: "Sorry, sorry-" *she whispers* "not wrong tho"

T: "What was that?" Trolliver says in a mocking tone

B: "Nothing~"

They all laugh and the night then early Saturday morning carry on. Everyone crashes at Breathany's.

Syris opens his eyes when the suns warmth hits his skin. He looked over to his left and saw Trollovier sleeping, with his arms around Syris. He tries to slink away but in his sleep Trollovier tossed Syris on top of him. Syris tried to catch himself and landed with his arms on either sides of Trollovier's head, and knees on both sides of his waist, hovering over him.

With the sudden shift Trollovier woke up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes to be met with Syris looking embaressed.

S: "Heh- uhh- good morning" He smiles, uncomfortable.

Trollovier basically shrugs with his facial expression and holds Syris closer, pulling him down. He was now firmly planted with his face in the other chest and ass on the others morning wood. Trolliver didn't seem to care as he went back to a light sleep, aware of everything.

Syris once again tried to slink away but the brown haired male held him closer with a soft grind of his hips. To Syris this was a threat, if he moved... he would have hell to pay. So he stayed, and even played along once he realized he shouldn't be scared.

Playing with the shell of his ear, gently teasing his exposed neck and collar bone with his nail, twirling his hair and tracing his lips. Syris wanted so badly to kiss him, but he wouldn't want it to escalate. As Trollovier's lips parted from being played with Syris closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side, planting a soft kiss on the others mildly dry lips. He didn't want to pull away, it was like lightning, heating up his body and encasing him in an insurable  warmth. He felt like he melted, he let the tension in his thighs go and let his back fall. He felt a hand at his waist  and the let of lips his were on kiss back. As soon as he felt that it was like nothing else mattered in that moment. He didn't care who saw, he didn't care about what anyone thought.

He grabbed the back of Trollovier's head and pushed it closer to his. Their lips crashing against one another's peacefully for a moment and Trollovier's hand got a little more adventurous. Syris wanted it, he wanted him. It was against what he was taught. But he didn't care, he just wanted him. Anything and everything from the troll under him.

Syris' Tait had made its way out of the pajamas he was wearing and with how his back was his hips were swaying back and fourth, his tail twitching and puffy. His ears also puffy and sticking straight upward. Since his hand was already there he decided to play with Syris' tail. He flinched and a bigger blush sprawled across his cheeks, followed with loud purring.

He hadn't done that before hut it might have been the attention. They continued to kiss until they both felt uneasy and felt a shifting next to them. They pulled away and looked over, seeing Breathany on one elbow watching. She giggled

B: "Finally! And... good morning"

G: "Are they done yet-?" Gauge said in a meek tone

B: "All clear"

Syris got off of Trollovier and rolled onto the far side, dying of embaressment. The blushing blue boy looks over with a smirk.

T: "So, how long have yall been watching-?"

G: "Not long, but long enough"

B: "Whats that smell? It's really nice, is that one of your guy's colognes?" They sit up and waft the air softly.

T: "What ever it is... Fuck does it ever smell good~"

G: "I don't notice anything? Odd." They look at Syris, the only one to not answer

S: "Pfft. I can't. Awe lawd" He started laughing "-It's pharamones, only alphas can smell that... HAHA Gauge, you are a beta or omega. Tehe" He laughes and Trollovier joins.

They all calm down and Breathany offers for all of them to hop in her car and get some coffee. They all do and They all hang out, heading back to their rooms at about 5 that day. Syris came home and hung out with Hoodude.

They made pizza and talked like friends do. It wasn't awkward at all for them because they were both extroverts that were bad at social cues. They talked into the night about anything and everything. There was something about his nerdy giggle that melted Syris heart, he tried to make Hoodude laugh, it made him feel like he had a purpose; to hear his laugh one more time.

They ended up going to bed and set his alarm. There was some larger gathering happening today. A whole day with food, arts and crafts, textiles, and Bible reading. Truly a day. He was gonna invite Trollovier, so he got dressed in a white short sleeve button up, brown vest and medium grey dress pants. He dusted a little glitter on his fluffed hair and called it good. He walked over to Trollivers room.

He knocked on the door and heard shuffling behind it. It creaked open and a girl made of all transparent blue goo opened the door.

?: "Oh, sorry, you are probably here for my roomate. I'll get him" She smiled and bowed her head, then closed the door. There was distant talking and a few seconds later Trollovier came to the door.

T: "Hey~ Whats up?"
S: "There's a big church meeting and I wanted to bring you, I promise it won't be that bad."
T: "Sure, come in for a second though. You can sit on my bed while I get ready"

Syris walks in and sits on Trollivers bed, letting him pick out a clean and moderately fancy outfit that would be appropriate for a church outing.

He walked back in a few minutes later and looked stunning



[To be continued in Chapter 13:  Zygnomic]

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