Chapter 11: Roiling

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B: "Tension!"

Breathany shouted before pushing Trolloviers face into Syris' catching them both off gaurd as their lips lock for a moment. Syris is stunned. His first kiss, whisked away like that. He pushed the other off and away from him and shuffled backward, reaching the other end of the bed. His eyes darted between the pair of monsters. His breathing shallowed as he pulled a cross out of his pocket and placed it in the middle of his chest, clutched in both hands.

Syris began muttering a prayer about not falling to lust while drawing a cross on his shoulders with his hand. Breathany looked to Trolliver and raised an eyebrow. He looked back at her then at Syris who was composing himself by steadying his breathing. He tucked the cross away and shuffled back to his spot.

B: "so- what..."

S: "a quick prayer. Sorry, that was my first-"

He went to continue before Breathany squeeled and started blabbering.

B: "THAT was your first?! You are in highschool, seriously. I CANT BELIVE IT!" She squeeled again and Gauge walked over with the bong in their arms

G: "First kiss?! Really. Mine was in 6th grade" They placed it down on the floor beside the bed and took a seat on the other side of Syris, they pulled down with them and he sat inbetween Gauge and Syris.

Breathany pulled out her pink Elvis Presley printed bud buster, chopping card, and plate with a joint roller on it. She balanced it on her legs and got to work packing another bowl; to fill the silence Trollovier speaks up.

T; "So, what classes did everyone get settled with?" He had noticed that they actually hadn't talked about it yet.

S; "I was surprised they offered such mundane classes here. I got stuffed in the bag with Cooking, both sciences, Biteology and Dead languages"

Breathany snorted out her water and sat up more, noticing she was lowkey slumping over while working.

B; "You think that's bad? PFFT. I got Monster Lit. Biteology. Home ick, which is actually fine. And Dead-u-fuckung-cation. UGH" She groaned loudly

S; "Oh damn- Girly- Who hurt you?" Syris joked

They laughed and Breathany spun and leaned the Bong toward Gauge who boldly put his lips on the inside of the tube that lead into the coiled spring of glass. Breathany lit her lighter and touched it to the weed, Gauge got the first wave of smoke and left enough that the others would just suck up what they pulled.

Syris leaned it to take the next hit and made it count, breathing back as much as physically possible right then. Trolliver took a relatively small one and they passed the Bong around for a while, while getting lost in aimless conversation.

They all eventually got to telling story's of their childhoods for sleepovers. Syris didn't have much experience but he told of the fun nights he spend with Jude, sneaking away from his parents. Breathany told of her many-a-boy sneaking out of the window while her besties distracted her mother. Gauge and Trolliver bounced back and fourth off of eachother about the same 3 crazy stories. They were both part of the same friand group and had been forever.

Breathany decided they all do one thing everyone did in their formative sleepover days to fill the night with fun.

Gauge went first, his specific chosen activity was Gameing. He quickly ran to his room and got his console, he came back and hooked it up to the TV in the main area to put in GTA [V]. They all played back and forth and Syris got the hang of it pretty good. After a while Breathany suggested they do truth or dare, they all turned the TV off and got into a circle on Breathanys bed.

She went first and looked at Trolliver with a smirk.

B: "Trollie~ Truth or dare"

She asked with a flick

T: "Dare, mama ain't raise no bitch" 

She snickered

B: "alright•••"

She paused to think, wanting something terrorrific.

B: "I dare you  to... put on one of my dresses!"

Syris gasped then laughed and Gauge started wheezing. Trolliver looked stunned for a moment then sneered back.

T: "What do you think is my colour?~"

She laughed now and Syris joined Gauge in the honking like geese. He opened her closet and pulled out a long, tight, black evening dress with a halter top and large open dipped back. It actually looked like it would fit him, so he went to the bathroom.

The others made small talk and started lowkey talking about Trollovier; how wide his hips were, how he walked. Then, the man of the hour in a dress to impress walks in.

There was one thing about the dress that they didn't notice, there was a thigh slit up to his mid thigh. He looked amazing in the dress. The halter style exentuated his shoulders nicely and with the dip in the back, his muscular back was on show and much to everyone's surprise his moles were out. He had a few splashed across his back. He seemed hesitant to stay with his back turned, to what everyone could gather is that; he was insecure.

T: "So, thoughts on it?"

He said flaunting and spinning in circles infront of a mirror. Breathany started talking but Syris' ears and brain had stopped working. All that filled his mind was him, he was all Syris wanted.

His heart started racing, and little did he know (becuse he was lost in a day dream) Gauge could see how his pupils got bigger; almost as big as his iris, and how his lips parted. However Gauge noticed the center of his top lip was ever so slightly higher, only noticeable when his lips parted like that.

Syris snapped back and nodded before Breathany stopped talking. He filled the silence with

S: "Damn~" He purred "I love it~"

Breathanys jaw fell into her lap before she dead-pan stared at Syris before blurting out;

"Can you two just hook up already?"


[To be continued in Chapter 10:  Ravenous]

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