Elijah and Niklaus bristled at the threat, "My sister will relish in destroying you and everything you care about, witch!" threatened Niklaus.

Elijah, on the other hand, took a calm approach. "How can we ensure Hayley and the child's safety?" Sophie pushed down her fear and said, "Marcel has forbidden all magic in the quarter, so we can't use magic. What I need is my sister's body. We have to consecrate her bones before it's too late." Elijah adjusted his suit in agreement. "I understand."

Klaus sneered at Sophie, "I won't give in to these threats, Elijah! They brought me here and now they want to control us? I won't be manipulated."

Elijah looked at his brother, then at the expectant woman holding her belly tenderly. "We don't have much of a choice, brother. She presented a compelling case, and how would you face our sister if she knew you had the chance to assist a child she had a hand in creating but chose to ignore it?"

"I guess we'll have to contact her to get the answer, won't we?" he inquired with a hint of threat. "So, who will make the call - you or me?"

Sophie sighed in frustration, "I don't care about your sister, but you have 48 hours to deliver or I will use wolfsbane against her." Hayley's eyes filled with anger.

"This is not why I'm here! I just came to tell Kara she's pregnant with my baby, I don't want to risk my life!"

Elijah moved closer with a comforting smile. "You won't," he said, looking at her stomach. "And neither will your unborn child." He then shifted his attention to Sophie.

"We have an accord, Miss Devereux. I trust you will fulfill your part."

The brothers departed the graveyard quietly, with Klaus seething in rage while Elijah pondered on how to persuade his sister to return to the city she had built, amidst their father's pursuit. Elijah couldn't reveal the news of her impending motherhood and the threat to her child by a witch, fearing it would not be well-received.

"Why are you succumbing to her schemes? She's manipulating us. Today it's retrieving her sister's body, but tomorrow it could be something else. It won't stop."

Elijah puckered his lips "Then we just have to locate a witch to free Hayley from Sophie's spell."

Klaus sneered "You're making it sound too easy. There's no magic in the quarter, Elijah. Marcel has a secret tool that reveals when and where magic is being practiced."

Elijah retrieved his phone from his pocket "This won't help us progress; we must inform her.."

Klaus sarcastically remarked, "Oh, what a delightful conversation it will be to inform our sister that she's expecting and her baby is threatened by a witch. I'm sure she'll be thrilled."

Elijah was not impressed by his tone. "Oh, do shut up, Niklaus, and use that devious mind of yours to figure out how to bring back Sophie's sister."

In Marseille, a city in France, the hybrid sat peacefully on the restaurant terrace, basking in the warmth of the setting sun on her skin. She savored her café au lait, paying little attention to the French accents around her. Memories of her visit to Mystic Falls lingered, and she occasionally thought about the well-being of the little wolf after they parted ways.

The evening turned out to be far more pleasant than she had anticipated. The young wolf's untamed nature and the intense look in her green eyes stirred unfamiliar emotions within the hybrid, ones she was reluctant to acknowledge. She quickly left the situation. The phone on the table vibrated, and she saw the name on the screen. Letting out a sigh, she wished for a moment to mourn her youngest brother's passing. Ignoring the first call, she hesitated as the phone buzzed again.

"Elijah," she responded, concealing her irritation at the interruption.


"Yes, dear brother, it is me. Did you intend to call me or was it a mistake?"

She detected a sigh from the other end and pondered why Elijah was sighing. It should have been her, considering he had disrupted her tranquil afternoon. "What has caused you to sigh so heavily, brother? Surely it is not Niklaus... or is it our beloved Rebekah? Is she once again causing heartache?" she inquired sarcastically.

"No... however, I do believe that it's important you make your way to New Orleans as soon as possible."

Kara looked at the sinking sun,emptying her cup of the delicious drink "Why would I have to return? The last time I was there was when I watched my city burn, along with Niklaus's adopted son. That man ruined one good thing I had.. I have no inclination to relive it, my vivid memory is enough.."

"Sister ... I would not be asking you to return if it wasn't important. As soon as you can.. please just come home." The plead in her brothers tone was hard to ignore. She took one more look at her surroundings before paying the cheque.

She hesitated for a moment "New Orleans stopped being my home the moment he stepped foot in it." She replied "I'll see you soon."


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