"This is him.All of him.But that day on the field,a part of him attached himself to me.My mom got it out of me and Eleven closed the gate.But the part that was still in me,what if it's still in our world?In Hawkins".Will says.

"I don't understand.The demodogs died when El closed the gate.If the brain dies,the body dies".Max says.

"We can't take any chances.We need to assume the worst.The mind flayer's back".Mike says.

"Yeah.And if he is,he'd want to attach himself to someone again.A new me.A new host".Will says.

"How can you tell if somone is a host?".El looks at us.

As we make our way to Hawkins Pool,Max and Lucas are awfully flirty.Anger flows through me whenever Max laughs at Lucas' stupid jokes and when we get to the pool,I don't look at her.We drop our bikes off and walk over to a car.We get out binoculars and Max looks at Billy.

"I don't know.He looks pretty normal to me".Max says.

"Normal?How many times have you seen him witha shirt on?".Lucas asks.

"I mean,it's a little weird".Max replies.

"More than a little".I say.

"He was in a tub with ice.The mind flayer likes it cold.Plus everything else".Mike says.

"But he's lounging at the pool.Which is like,the least mind flayer thing ever".Max says.

"Not necessarily".We all look at Will. "The mind flayer likes to hide.He only used me when he needed me.It's like your dormant.And then when he needs you,you're activated".

"Ok,so we just wait until he gets activated".Max says.

"No.What if he hurts someone?".Mike says.

"Or kills someone".I say.

"We can't take that chance.We need to find out if he's the host".Mike says.He starts walking.

"Where are you going?".El asks.

"I have an idea.Boys only".Mike replies.

"Seriously?".Max says.

"Just trust me on this one".

When the boys walk away,I go stand by the trees.Max walks over to me.

"Hey,what's wrong?".Max asks me.

"Nothing".I reply looking down.

"Are you sure?".Max says.

"Yes,I'm fine".I snap. "You and Lucas seem to be getting on really well today".

What the fuck am I saying?I'm so angry by everything that's going that I don't even know what I'm saying.

"What?What are you talking about?".Max says suprised.

"Cut the bullshit,Max.I see the way he looks at you".I say.

"So?".Max looks at me.

"So?You just let him flirt with you.You don't even care how much it hurts me".I say.

"What?Of course I care,Y/N.What am I suppose to do?We're friends".Max says. "Why are you saying this now?Why are you talking about this out of no where?".

I look down at her.

Max looks at me and turns around and walks back to El.

What the fuck did I do?

The pool closes and we walk into the closet in the changing rooms.It's quite dark and not really spacious and even though me and Max are not talking to each other,she still stands really close to me.

"Are you guys ready?".Mike looks at us and we all nod.

Mike starts pretending to laugh into the radio.I don't listen to whatever he is doing.We hear Billy walk next to us and when we look out,he's stood in the sauna.El walks out and suprises him and we get out of the closet.We put a metal rod in the door and put a chain on it.Billy starts banging on the door but stops when he see'a Max.

"Max".He says.

"Do it".Max says.

Will runs up to set the temperature.Billy bangs on the door and I look at Max.

"Max!Let me out of here!".Billy shouts. "Let me out.You kids,you think this is funny?You kids think this is some kind of sick prank?Open the door.Open the door!".

We flinch as Billy bangs on the door and Max and I look at each other.Billy screams and Will walks over to check the temperature.

"We're at 220".Will says.

"It's not my fault.It's not my fault,Max".Billy says and Max slowly walks over to the door. "I promise you it's not my fault".

"What's not your fault?".Max asks.

"I've done things,Max.Really bad things.I didn't meant to.He made me do it".Billy replies.

"Who made you do it?".Max says.

"I don't know,it's like a shadow.Like a giant shadow".He says.

"What did he make you do?".

"It's not my fault,ok?Max,please.Please,believe me,Max,it's not my fault".

"It's going to be ok.We want to help you.You just have to talk to us".

"I feel him".Will says and we all look at him. "He's activated".

"Max get away from the door".Mike says.

"What?".Max says.

"Get away from the door!".Mike shouts.

Billy smashes the window and Max dodges it and screams.

"Max!".I shout.

"Let me out you bitch!".Billy shouts as he bangs ok the door. "Let me out!".

Max backs away from the door when Billy pulls the rod out.I want to run to her but El stops me.Lucas pulls out his slingshot and shoots Billy.Max runs over to us and grabs my hand.The lights start flickering and we look up.

Billy bangs into the door and eventually gets out.He gets up and looks at us.I put my arm over Max.El uses her powers and throws a barbell at him.It pushes him into the wall.He pushes it off and it nearly hits El.He grabs El's hair and looks at us before putting his hand around her neck.He lifts her up by her neck and I genrally think she's going to die until Mike hits him in the back of his head.

"Go to hell you peice of shit!".Mike shouts.

Mike is about to hit him again but Billy grabs the bar.He throws the bar,Mike walks backwards and Billy is about to punch him but El lifts him up.She looks at him before throwing him through the wall.When we look outside,he's running away from the pool.

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