Mechanical Battle

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(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know; 🇧🇷

At this point in the trip, Tyson had forgotten exactly what day it was on the journey to help Shantae stop Ammo Baron from getting treasure to fund his army. He wondered if this had all started with what? Two days? Three days? Maybe four? So much had happened that he was no longer sure.

Shantae, Rottytops, Tyson and Sky were now walking down the hall to the left of the garden room. It was a short path, just like the one on the right. As they entered the room on the left, Tyson soon noticed something that was somewhat similar to the room on the right.

Tyson: (Thoughts) Here we go.

Like the other room, this one was divided into two sides. However, instead of a large chasm in the middle, there was a huge floor with large, pointed spikes, which also lined the walls and ceiling. The floor sloped, turning the entire room into a shallow hill. There was nothing but spikes, except for a few platforms that hovered above the thorn floor, out of reach for jumping.

Tyson: Classic.

Rotty crossed her arms, thinking to herself.

Rottytops: That's a bunch of thorns. But it has platforms... is there any way to move them around or something?

Sky: Look around. Maybe we'll find something.

Shantae started looking around to see if she could find anything. Suddenly, her eyes lit up and she pointed to the ceiling right above them.

Shantae: Look!

The other three looked up to see whatever it was. There was a platform hanging from the ceiling directly above them, but it was too high to reach. Rotty was the first to speak curiously.

Rottytops: How are we going to get there?

Sky then spoke in a teasing tone.

Sky: *scoffs* Maybe Tyson uses his mysterious abilities to get up there.

Tyson just gave this a neutral look.

Tyson: If I could have done that, I would have done it already. (Thoughts) Not to mention I'd have to use my powers to jump that high and then this damn bracelet would start causing me that pain... (Out of Thoughts) Any other ideas?

Shantae looked at him with a smug face. The boy then remembered that she was half-genie and spoke simply.

Tyson: Ah. I forgot you could use transformation magic.

Shantae put her hands on her hips and smiled as she playfully bragged.

Shantae: Tsk-tsk, you must already know how awesome I am!

Tyson just rolled his eyes and smiled before returning the tease.

Tyson: Just transform, you silly half-genie.

Shantae smiled and punched him lightly on the shoulder. Then she took a few steps back and placed her feet in specific positions. Then she started her belly dance. Her hips bounced melodically, mesmerizing Tyson without fail. Her stomach moved in a circle, and her upper body swayed with the rhythm. Tyson realized that this dance was different from the elephant's.

Shantae lifted her hand in the air gracefully, winking at Tyson which made him blush.

Shantae: Transform!

She suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke. The cloud slowly dissipated, revealing a new transformation that Tyson had yet to see.

Shantae transformed into a human-sized spider girl. Her lower body was that of a spider, with six long insectoid legs protruding from her purplish-blue body. Shantae's upper body was that of a woman, with teal skin and long, straight black hair, which had a large red ribbon tied at the top of her head, and her forearms were replaced with a set of pincers. The only thing covering her breasts was a small web that stretched behind her.

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