And the Moon Waits (Ch. 2)

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And so the mirror has mended itself, and I could gaze once again into eyes that are hopeful, excited, maybe even... alive.

Whispers they may be, yes.

Whispers they might remain, I have accepted that possibility.

But it is a possibility, not a fact.

And now with news of such glad tidings, I have allowed the mirror of my past to rebuild itself anew. In its reflection, I see myself whole... not completely, but whole enough to distinguish from the blur of the background. I can see the night turn into the breaking of the dawn.

I can see you... you haloed by the early light of the sun, your arms open and inviting.

But still, your face is blurred within the trickling of sand, and the vision disappears as I realize how feeble these thoughts truly are.

But there is hope.

There is a dawn.

And I pray for you to rise as the sun does over the horizon.

Azure (Day 1461)

- Azure (Day 1461)

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Chapter 2

After a thousand moons, maybe this would be the last.

He would sigh into the breath of the dawn...

And the sun shall tear darkness in two.


All was quiet as it usually was as Azure gently threw himself over the outer stone wall, the rope in his hands slightly trembling with how tightly he was holding onto it. He looked down at where he was planning to descend, hooking the toes of his sandaled feet into the cracks on the inner portion of the wall. Once he gained his balance, he slowly descended, feet carefully finding their familiar footholds as he finally arrived on the ground.

With a flick of his wrist, the loop at the end of the rope unhooked itself from the battlements and he hurriedly gathered it into his hands before he could hit the ground.

Azure took a few moments to recollect himself, resisting the urge to let out any kind of sound, but he did not fail to keep his ears open in case he were to hear something in the distance. He was confident that he knew the guard routes like the back of his hand but it did not hurt to be at least careful.

Even at that moment, he was starting to feel the effects of the heat again. He had worked up a sweat on his way back, and the heat was sweltering now that the sun was reaching its highest point. Azure definitely loathed the noontime.

He would have avoided this time of the day like a plague but his journey back was not as swift as he had wanted it to be. There was an unexpected increase in the number of guards being stationed at the Grand plaza which made any quick escape difficult.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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