3 The Case Of The Missing Lifeguard

Start from the beginning

"When I say three inches,three-!".Hopper shouts and bursts through the door but stops when he see's me and Max.

"Do you knock?Jeez!".Max says.

"Yeah,jeez".El says.

"Oh,hey".Hopper says as he looks at Max and then me. "I'm sorry.I thought that-".

"Mike's not here".Max says.

"Y/N and Max wanted to have a sleepover.Is that ok?".El asks.

"Yeah".Hopper replies. "Yeah.Yeah.Do your parents know about it?".

"Yeah".I say.

"Yup".Max says.

"Cool,cool.I'll leave you guys now".Hopper says before shutting the door.

Max,El and I look at each other and we laugh before Max gets a look on her face.

"What?".I ask.

"I have an idea".Max replies with a smirk.

Five mintues later,we're sat on El's bed as Max writes down names on a peice of paper and places them on a mat.Max decided that we should use El's powers to spy on people and for some reason,we both agreed.

"Holy shit,I can't believe we're really doing this".Max says and looks at us. "Ready?".

"Ready".Me and El say.

El spins the bottle and it lands on Mr Wheeler.

"Boring".I say as I look at them.

"Yeah,boring".El says.

"Spin again".I tell her.

El goes to spin the bottle again but hesitates.She looks back up at me and Max.

"Against the rules?".She asks.

"We make our own rules".Max replies and we grin.

El spins again and this time it lands on Billy.Max looks at the both of us and gets up to grab the radio.

"Ok,look,I should just warn you,if he's with a girl or doing something gross,just get out of there right away before you're scarred for life".Max says sitting back down.

"Max-".El says.

"No,I'm just saying,I'm serious".Max looks at her. "He's really gross".


"Ok shutting up now".

El puts the blinfold on.Max looks at me and smiles which warms my heart.I really enjoy hanging out with Max and El.

"I found him".El says after a while.

"What's he doing?".Max asks.

"I don't know".El replies. "He's on the floor,talking to someone".

Suddenly,El pulls of her blindfold and breaths quickly.

"El?".I say.

"What is it?What happened?".Max says.

El doesn't reply instead she looks at us.I grab the bottle and the peices of paper off the board and put them away.

"I don't think we should do this anymore".I tell them.

Max nods and El just looks up at me.

"He....he was doing something.A girl screamed".El says.

Max looks up at me.

"Maybe we should just go to bed".I say and Max and El nod.

In the morning,I stare at the ceiling and I hear Max's and El's breathing as I lay next to them.Max is cuddled up into my side and she has an arm wrapped around me.

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