But that wasn't the focus right now.

"Ciao. Come stai?" Albert stacked his flash cards into a perfect tower, staring at Mr. R. The older man racked his brain.

"Um, Sto andando bene. Come stai?"


"Uh oh."

"You." Elmer pointed at him and walked quickly, poking him in his chest. "You kissed my friend."

"Uh, yeah."

"Then didn't tell me! Co do cholery?!"

"Language, Ellie", Ralph assessed, turning to his sons. "Now, I'm confused. Are you mad he didn't tell you, or because he kissed your friend?"

"He didn't tell me!"

"I'm still trying to figure it out", Albert answered, glancing between Elmer and Ralph. "I just...um, it sort of just happened?"


"The park clean up."

Elmer gasped dramatically, clutching his nonexistent pearls. "That was weeks ago!"

Ralph watched in amusement, placing his chin in his hand. "That blonde kid Albert always talked about? I thought you shipped them."

"I do", Elmer beamed, quickly changing his attitude. "And as a shipper, I should know all the details."

"Well, you should also know that this is real life, and in real life, people need time."

Albert stared at his brother, seeing guilt form on his face. He swallowed as the younger's puppy eyes looked at him.

"Sorry, Albert, for pressuring you."

"It's fine", Albert assured, going through his flash cards. "It kind of sucked keeping the secret for so long."

Ralph smiled at them. "What are you going to do? That seems like a pretty awkward situation."

"From what I can tell, he's actively avoiding me", Albert sighed, picking up a pencil. "But, break is next week, which means he'll have time to process and think."

Elmer pursed his lips, darting his eyes. "Yeah, I sort of invited him here for Thanksgiving."

Albert turned to his brother quickly, eyes wide in panic. "What?!"

"Spur of the moment! A bunch of the guys are coming, but Race said he was going to flake!" Elmer scratched the back of his head. "Sorry."

Albert felt his heart rate pick up. He turned to Ralph in desperation. "Papà, cosa faccio?!"

Ralph smiled softly as Albert's eyes widened. "Oh. I am so sorry-"

"It's fine", Ralph chuckled, placing a hand on the younger's shoulder. "What surprised me was how you went from 'Mr. Stefflan' to 'Dad'."

The three of them chuckled. "Just talk to him", Ralph advised, shrugging. "Don't give up."

Albert realized he's been told that a lot lately.


"Will you quit running away from your problems?"

Race's eyes widened as he turned to Davey is shock. "What?"

"Dave's right", Jack agreed, an arm around his boyfriend. "You have a tendency to leave the situation."

"Says the escape artist."

Race stood taller as Jack got up before pulled down by Davey. "Point is", he starts, glancing at both of them to make sure little tension was left, "you need to talk to him. Today."

"I-I can't do that", Race shook his head, crossing his arms as he paced. "He's my friend- my new friend- and I just...laid one on him."

"Well, did he push you away?"

"Not- not exactly-"

"Did he say he hated you?"

"I feel he would've had to push me away to do that-"

"The what the hell are you worried for?" Jack stared at Race incredulously. "I thought he liked you back."

"I never said-"

"Oh, no, you did", Crutchie says, playing Angry Birds. "Not with words, though."

Race rolled his eyes. "Answer my question."

"Piece of advice?" Crutchie turned to Race, a serious look on his face. "Talk to him. It's obviously some misunderstanding."

Race looked at his dirty Converse, thinking. When could he talk to Albert?


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