Chapter 14: Play With Me

Start from the beginning

I forgot to take the time to heal myself.

He comfortingly caressed my head while I only cried and sobbed in his arms, burying my face on his warm and welcoming chest.

The memory hurts so bad, yet being able to cry it out and let go of the feelings that I kept to myself felt so good.

It took me a few minutes before I was able to stop shaking and calm down. I pulled away from his embrace and saw a sympathetic gaze in his eyes when I looked at them.

I laughed it off, feeling awkward as this is something so new to me. I was never able to cry that hard in front of anyone before aside from when I found out when my father died. That was the first and last time that I cried and sobbed hard until today.

"I'm sorry, I ruined your shirt," I said while looking at the area which was wet with my tears (and snot) from crying so hard.

"Moving on isn't easy, but you were able to move forward, princess. You did your best, and I'm sure your father is proud of you from where he is because he was able to raise an incredible woman like you." He cupped my face and used his thumb on both hands to wipe the remnants of my tears on my cheeks.

"You think so?" I said while pouting

He gently smiled at me as he nodded. "You're a brave, incredible, and strong woman. I know you'll be able to soar high with flying colors."

I pouted more at him, feeling so flattered and overwhelmed at his words. This time, I wanna tear up because his words moved me so much.

"Yah, don't be so nice to me. I might end up falling in love with you," I joked and playfully slapped his chest, causing the both of us to laugh.

"But I meant what I said, princess. I know you'll make it far." He lightly pinched my cheek.

"Your nose is so red," he said, then lightly tapped my nose with his index finger. "Go back to the dining or go wherever you want. I'll wash the dishes."

"I'll just stay here beside you," I said, then moved aside so that he could begin washing the dishes. "I wanna watch how handsome guys do the dishes."

He snorted and giggled at my statement. "Feel free to watch me then."

He shortened the sleeves of his shirt by tucking some of the sleeves inward to his shirt's arm hole. Then, he began doing the dishes while I kept silent beside him. I leaned my bottom on the counter and crossed my arms, admiring his face that looked so peaceful while he did the chore.

Am I too judgemental for assuming that he's going to suck at it because he's a rich man who obviously can hire maids to do the job?

Yes, and I like how he's proving my judgemental self wrong all the time.

Since he shortened the sleeves of his shirt, I have a greater view of his biceps. I bit my bottom lip at the sight of it, and watched how it would clench and harden from each movement that he made.

I shifted my eyes back to his face, and my eyes trailed every detail of it, most especially to his beautiful nose then to his lips. I thought of how soft and plump those lips are when I kiss them, and the thought made me bite my bottom lip once again.

Contradicting to how unlucky I am with my life, I'm kind of lucky to have this man as my sugar daddy. Should I consider this something fair enough?

He's so hot.

"You know, washing dishes has never been this awkward." He chuckled then looked at me. "Are you seriously just going to stand there and watch me?"

"I can suck your dick while you do the dishes, if you like," I said jokingly but I feel like I shouldn't gave said that when his gazes at me darkened.

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