Chapter 14: Play With Me

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Kwon Boram's POV

"Ugh, the food was so great, princess," he said after drinking the remaining soup from his second bowl of Kalguksu that I cooked for him. He placed the bowl back down on the table then leaned his back on the chair as he delightedly circled his palm on his stomach.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said, then finished my food by drinking the remaining broth from the bowl as well.

"If you ever decide to put up a restaurant someday, I'll be your regular customer." He said.

"You know, I am honestly dreaming of putting up a restaurant someday. So if I ever end up doing that, I'll let you know."

"I think you'll be able to do that. Probably not immediately, but soon. You're hardworking and dedicated, afterall."

I smiled slightly and placed my elbow on the table then propped my chin on the palm of my hand. "My family is my driving force to what I am doing, that's why. And after my father's death, that force became stronger. Maybe because I wasn't able to give justice to his hit-and-run accident, and providing for my sister and my mom is what I'm doing to somehow mask that incapability."

"I'm so sorry to hear about your father. But why haven't you filed a case against the person who did that to him?"

I sighed, the pain that I felt months ago coming back. However, I feel like letting go of these feelings will help me feel more free. But he makes me feel safe too, so I don't mind sharing my story.

"Obviously, because of financial problems. Plus there wasn't enough evidence nor traces of the car that hit my father so there's no use. The CCTV camera in the area where the accident happened was not working and there were no witnesses in the area either. He was just seen in the middle of the road, dead." I felt my tears form on the corners of my eye, and then a tear fell after.

"I was so devastated after his death. I just wanted to quit. I kept asking myself why I was suffering. Why were we suffering? What have I done to feel such misery in my life? I've always been a kind and positive person, and I always tried to see the reason in every negative thing that happened, but I couldn't answer those questions. That made me feel more frustrated. I was so broken, but I couldn't stay weak because my ill mom and my younger sister needed me."

I chuckled to break the heavy atmosphere and wiped my tears away. We're celebrating for him yet I ended up ruining the mood, but letting go of my feelings felt so good.

"I'm sorry, I ruined the mood." I cleared my throat then stood up and began stacking the used bowls and utensils together. "Let me just wash these then I'll come home on my own. You don't have to drive me. You're already here. I don't want to bother you."

I didn't have enough courage to meet his eyes anymore. My heart feels so heavy, but I'm not upset that he asked. Afterall, it was my choice to tell him that part of my life. I could've just told him that I didn't want to talk about it.

After I stacked the dishes and utensils together, I brought them along with me in the kitchen and placed them in the sink.

I felt him turn my body through my shoulders gently. He then wrapped me in his arms, and from there, I could no longer stop myself from crying as I felt the wound in my chest ache. It was never healed, the wound in my heart, but my responsibilities just masked that pain that I forgot I was hurting.

When my father died, I wasn't able to mourn his death as much as my heart needed to do because I had to work and study. I had to be strong for my mom and my sister, and I had to be strong to fulfill the empty spot of his departure which burdened us not only emotionally but also financially. I had to work harder to earn more to cater to our family's needs and most especially to my mother's treatment. I had to do a lot of things, I forgot to do the most important thing for myself.

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