The Three Musketeers

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'll be damned! Ain't nothing sexier than a woman who can shoot a rifle. Too bad that rifle can't always protect ya" a southern accent pulls Amethyst's face away from the scope of her rifle.

"Who said I only know how to shoot, asshole?" she asks, packing up her rifle.

"You're a woman, surprised ya can do that much" he says, Amethyst laughs.

"Great. Another one. May I ask what your name is, kind sir?" She asks sarcastically, the man grins.

"You can call me anything ya want with that pretty mouth of yours" he says, earning a bored look from Amethyst. At the look on her face, the man rolls his eyes.

"Merle Dixon" he says seriously, Amethyst nods at him.

"Amethyst Shaw" she says, standing up and looking him straight in the eye.

"Well, Merle Dixon, for your information, I can do much more than just shoot" Amethyst says, crossing her arms as she glares up at the man. Merle smirks.

"Oh, I'm sure ya can" he says, Amethyst holds up her fists with a grin, completely ignoring his comment.

"Want to find out?" she asks, Merle rolls his eyes.

"You think you can take me, girly?" he asks, Amethyst shrugs.

"We're gonna find out, Dixon" she says, Merle grins and holds up his fists. He takes the first punch, only for Amethyst to dodge it and punch his stomach.

"A broad that can throw a punch!" Merle says, punching her before she can block.


After the fight, Amethyst and Merle sit on the ground, leaning against some sandbags.

"Looks like you can do more than just shoot" Merle says, rubbing his jaw from where she punched him a couple times, Amethyst smiles and stands up, wiping the blood from her mouth. She holds her hand down to Merle, he stares at her hand with suspicion.

"Oh, c'mon. We're gonna get in trouble for fighting if they catch us" she says, Merle grunts and ignores her hand as he gets up.

"Well, I probably wouldn't get in as much trouble as you" she says, grinning, Merle glares at her.

"The fuck you talking about?" Merle asks, Amethyst hums.

"I didn't introduce myself with rank, neither did you. So, Mr. Dixon, you are either a civilian like me, or you haven't figured out how to introduce yourself properly" Amethyst says with a goofy grin as she pulls her rifle bag over her shoulder.

"Nice meeting you, Merle. I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again soon" she says, waving her arm in front of her in a dramatic curtsy before walking away.

Merle grunts and grabs the binoculars off the lined-up sandbags, he looks over the shooting field until the binoculars find the lone target. A picture of an older man and woman, two bullets in each of their hearts.

"Bullseye" Merle mumbles with a laugh.

"Well, Darylina would be real proud of me if he heard I just made a friend"

Flashback over

"You alright?" Daryl asks, Amethyst nods and lifts Bear out of the chair, sitting him on the floor.

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