Episode 9: Be Mine

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If someone were to ask me what emotions tugged at my heartstrings, I wouldn't know what to say, for as the scene played before my eyes, a billion sensations washed over my existence:

confusion, as he lowered himself to one knee;

anxiety, as from his pocket, he pulled into view a tiny cube no bigger than my palm;

but most of all, happiness—the kind so rich my entire reality tasted of gold, glowing ever so vibrant as he opened the case, revealing a pristine silver ring.

My hands drifted to my mouth, my jaw quivering as my eyes grew glassy.

"You make me a better me," he said. "Without you, I don't know where I'd be. Without you, I'm not sure I would've made it very far. You make me happier than anyone I could ever dream of. So, if it's okay with you, I'd like things to stay forever between us. I want you to always be by my side." A shy chuckle. "I guess what I'm trying to say is . . . B, will you . . ."

Earlier that day . . .



Confidence . . . half-check! (Nothing new there, though.)

I jittered before my mirror, studying every inch of my person as I tried to straighten out every tiny imperfection. Bow in my hair a few centimeters off? Gotta adjust! A piece of hair stuck on my casual dress? Lint roller to the rescue! Never had I wiped the lenses of my glasses so much in my life.

In contrast to my inner chaos, my dorm room settled in serenity, a lull flowing from wall to wall as through the window, the rays of the morning sun gave their greetings.

I don't know whether to be excited or nervous.

Lucky said he had a lot planned for today, and he seemed really gung-ho about it. Heck, he even asked me to dress my best, and he never does that!


Oh, God, what if he decides to take me on a tour of the high life? What if his job actually makes him a billionaire and he's gonna take me to where all the rich people go? Am I . . .  Am I gonna have to eat caviar? I'm already awkward as is! I don't need any more hurdles!

I lightly slapped my palms against my cheeks.

Calm down, B. This is gonna be just like any other date.

A smile.

I get to spend time with the person I love.

Having convinced my confidence to shine bright, I grabbed my satchel to make my way to the Other Side.

*  *  *

I rested on the park bench, fingers tapping against my phone as all around, the bustle of the demon dimension swirled like notes of a symphony.

I guess this place is a lot more active during the day. Then again, I'm pretty sure the mentality of "Don't go strolling in a park at night" goes from dimension to dimension. Then again then again, this world has literal soul eaters, so I take it life's "fear" factor sorta lost its edge.

I decided to send my focus elsewhere, before the tenth "Then again" could kick in.

Lucky still hasn't shown up. He did say to meet here, right? With how nervous I'd been getting dressed, everything's been going by in a blur.

I went to check my text messages,

just as a figure plopped themselves down beside me.


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