Episode 8: A Day to Remember

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I soar across the grand sky, my wings spread wide as the secrets of the universe call to me, begging for my exploration.

Yet, my destination remains the same: the base of the mountain.

Not even the peak, where hollow hearts discover the finality of their wholes, where truths are rewarded for the journey, handed out to be cherished like golden tickets to an understood existence.

My curiosity hollers for the climb, but my fears conquer all, forcing me to land where the conclusion has already been envisioned.

But I do wonder, truly, what lies in that great beyond. What kinds of adventures await?

Would I finally be able to find my rejected, yet vibrant longing—a today different from yesterday? A tomorrow embraced with surprises?

Would the manacles of monotony finally be shattered?

At long last, would I discover happiness?

*  *  *

"And if you'll pay attention to the next slide . . ."

Save the professor, a hush swept through the college classroom, the many gazes fixed on the presentation as pencils scratched swiftly against notebook paper.

In the far corner, I followed the paradigm, routinely sipping from my water bottle as my pen spilled ink.

However, from time to time, my focus would drift to the clock on the wall—the gatekeeper of my freedom.

Three more minutes.

Before me, a pair of girls exchanged whispers.

"Which hall is Jake's kickback in?"


A grin. "Got the beers?"

"Oh, I got the beers."

Their excitement blended into the air, and like a candle being lit aflame, my envy shimmered.

As quick as it came, however, I blew out the light.

Meh. Who needs parties when I've got homework?

A second thought.

I'm kinda lame, aren't I?

I sorta found my own answer when in the final two minutes of class, I contemplated which subject I was going to tackle first.

At first, nothing.

Beneath the vast night sky, the local woods sang its gentle melody, from the crickets chirping beneath the logs to the leaves rustling against the kind zephyr.

At first, nothing.

Then, a phenomenon, unfolding within the sea of trees. Its very existence tasted that of pure fiction, mimicking a circular portal of mystical energy and symbols.

The arrival,

as a trio of figures brought themselves into actuality. From the first glance, one could tell they did not belong, their statures towering as they flaunted their animatronic identities.

The rabbit scanned their surroundings.

"You see it?" he asked.

The pig and chicken shook their heads.

The leader grimaced. "Couldn't have gotten far. Split up and look for it. And make sure no mortals see you. Last thing I need is us accidentally starting a cult or something."

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