Extra: Fo Shizzle Mah Rizzle

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"Yo! Yo! Yo!"

The trio burst into the apartment complex, sunglasses shielding their eyes as gold and silver chains drooped from their necks.

"What's goin' on?" Hangry sang. "We da Joy Joy Gang, and we here to mix this fried rice up!"

My bunny boyfriend struck a pose, a faux microphone in his grasp. "Yo! Yo! Yo!"

I . . .  Um . . .  What?

And the winner of the "dumbest face" award goes to this girl right here!

"Honey?" I asked. "What are you doing?"

"Yo! Yo!" he replied.

Is that your vocabulary now?

"Lemme lay it down for ya, B-dawg," Hangry said. "We shootin' for new ventures. Music be callin' us, homie, and we gots ta answer dat phone!"

Penny nodded. "Yup yup."

"Yo! Yo! Yo!"

And here I thought demons were actually kinda normal.

"Well, that's fine and all," I said, "but I have a question."

"What's good, sizzle pop?" Hangry asked.

"Where are the groceries?"

Just like that, their hippity dippity facade shattered like glass.

"Yo?" Lucky uttered, nervous.

"The groceries," I repeated. "Remember? You were supposed to bring stuff back for the potluck?"

The animatronics tensed up.

Are . . . Are they sweating?

"I told you we were forgetting something!" Penny scolded, returning to her normal demeanor.

Hangry groaned. "We must've left the bags at the costume shop."

"All because you wanted to be MC Pig!"

"Hey, you were all about it too! Talking about wanting to be the next Beyoncé."

My rabbit, meanwhile, quivered, sliding his gaze away from me.


"Lucky, you better go back there," I warned.

"Yo . . ."

I narrowed my eyes. "Lucky."

My beloved folded. "Y . . . Yes, dear." 

My Bunny Boyfriend Can't Possibly Be This Cute! (Lucky x Female Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat