Episode 7: Battle of the Bunnies

Start from the beginning

A sense of awe washed over the mass, some glassy-eyed at Miss Lamella's soothing syllables.

"I see why she's a Keeper," Hangry whispered.

"Now, a few words from the chief of the department himself." Miss Lamella gestured towards Lucky, sending every iota of the spotlight his way.

The bunny froze.

That wasn't very nice.

"Um . . .  Thanks, I think," he uttered. "I know it ain't the longest message, but I'm sure the point gets across just fine. I'm proud of each and every single one of you, and I'm glad I have the opportunity to watch over you guys."

Lucky raised his cup. "Here's to another fine quarter!"

The others joined in. "Another fine quarter!"

A second later and the jovial atmosphere returned, the smooth chatter blending back into the air.

Although, the rabbit already had fatigue grinding against his gears.

"Is this the egotistical Lucky I see nervous?" Hangry poked. "What happened to all that bravado you usually carry around?"

"Put a sock in it," Lucky hissed. "Even I wanna mellow out sometimes."

The pig chuckled.

"Mr. Lucky."

The pair turned their heads to spot the foreign fox now standing beside them.

"Marvis," Lucky greeted.

Instantly, the scene at the karaoke bar unfolded within him, staining his mouth with a rather bad taste. Nonetheless, he kept with the polite facade.

"I just wanted to commend you personally for your hard work," the fox said. "Being a department chief isn't easy, and till my very last day—today—I've been nothing but impressed."

He offered a handshake, which the rabbit kindly echoed.

"I'm glad the West didn't let you down," Lucky said.

"Absolutely not. I'm sure the East can learn something here."

The chief raised an eyebrow. "East? I thought you were from the South."

Marvis chuckled shyly. "Slip of the tongue. My mistake."

Before Lucky's curiosity could manifest, a group of young demons approached, their eyes glimmering like stars.

"Lucky-senpai!" one of them sang.

"You're such a cool chief!" another hollered.

The rabbit quickly found himself drowning in the sea of compliments, overwhelmed by the rush.

"Not too close," he begged. "Where do you think you're touching!?"

Hangry busted into a hearty laugh, whereas Marvis bid his farewell.

He observed the popular leader from across the room, his frustration boiling as he crushed his solo cup between his fingers.

"Lucky . . .  Sorry to say, ol' chap, but I'll be taking that crown from you."

*  *  *

"Left foot on green."

The pig grunted, shifting his leg as his stance became more twisted.

Another go at the spinner.

"Okay. Right hand on yellow."

The chicken, meanwhile, gave her triumphant laugh, only having to slide her fingers mere inches to the side.

My Bunny Boyfriend Can't Possibly Be This Cute! (Lucky x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now