A Great Loss: The Job Part 3

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Lucy's P.O.V.

We were just flying above the trees, with my brother in his dragon form and the master on his back. I had a very bad feeling about this forest. My fingers inched closer to my Queen's Edge yet again, and Grey noticed this. He gave me a worried look, but I just shook it off. Nothing could hurt us anyways. Unfortunately, not everyone was safe. I saw a transparent, yet somewhat visible figure shoot an immensely powerful attack at my brother. He was unharmed because he had ducked, but the master ended up taking the blow instead. The blow was so powerful, it flung him off of Gray's back, and down to the forest floor where we had all taken evasive action to save Makarov. Fortunately, I managed to save him yet his pulse was slow and ragged. Putting up my guard, I left master in the care of Eclair. Audrey was to protect them at all costs, and Grey and I fought together.
"Keep your guards up, ant protect the master at all costs!" I ordered, and we all put on our poker faces so that we wouldn't look scared, but in reality, we were horrified of what would happen. Our enemies are nearly invisible, and we can hardly even see their outline.
"SHADOW EYES: ACTIVATE!" I chanted, as my shadow eyes granted the ability to see anyone anywhere anytime. They also enhance all my senses by 848282848294792739248482%, meaning I'm an even more op version of daredevil. With quick and swift movements, I dodged all their attacks, and saw more clearly what they were. They were demons.
"NOOOOOO!!!" I heard Eclair yell, as Audrey fell to the ground, unconscious. Eclair was then forced to fend for herself, leaving the master wide open. Grey and I tried and tried to protect him, but the wave of demons seemed never ending. Then, in a flash of light, master seemed like he was teleported a couple yards away, and he was covered in scratches and bleeding out. I sensed no pulse. In a hoarse whisper, he said,
"Lucy... you.. are to be the new... master... protect your nakama well.... my child." Were his final words, and tears were unconsciously spilling from my eyes, as he breathed his final breath. Anger, regret, pain, and vengeance welled up inside of me, as I let out my loudest and most pain-filled roar yet.
Then as I turned my head, I saw two figures smirking from behind some trees.
"YOU!" I cursed, as they began to take steps closer into the light, as I pieced together exactly what was going on.

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