There's that damn accent. It was only one word, and yet it shot a rush of excitement straight down my core. "A what?" I raise a brow.

"A flip-flop." She translates, and when she sees the confusion on my face she lets out a laugh. "You wouldn't understand. It's a Hispanic thing."

"Well, regardless, if doing hair and stuff is what makes you excited about life then I think you should do it. I think you'd look bad ass with dyed hair."

"You just don't understand." She shakes her head, twirling her fingers in front of her on the table. I have the strangest urge to grab onto her hand. "They gave up everything to move us here from Mexico. They uprooted their entire lives so that I could have a better future. I would never, ever do anything to disappoint them."

I'm seeing a different side of Maya. She's vulnerable, and sensitive, and I think she realizes it too because she clears her throat and sits up straighter in the booth. It seems like we both have opened up about our lives without even realizing it.

To try and lighten the mood, I grab a straw and wiggle the wrapper halfway down, blowing into the end so that it flies directly into her face.

"Really?" She deadpans, but eventually she ends up laughing. I'm grateful that I was able to change the subject. It was obvious that she didn't want to talk about it anymore. "You really think I'd look good with dyed hair? I've always wanted it to be black."

"Any color would look good." I reply, and it comes out so quickly like complete word vomit. Holy hell. I shouldn't be saying things like that. I'll give myself away. "I mean, you know you're not ugly, so..."

"So what does that make me, then?" She smiles and leans forward onto her elbows on the table, placing her chin directly into her hands. I quickly glance at her breasts that are now right in front of me, sighing as I look into her eyes. She's happy. Those browns eyes are like honey, and dammit, I'm stuck. I'm waist deep in honey, and pretty soon I'll be in over my head.

"I think..." and then I rest my hands on the table to move closer towards her too, so close that I smell the familiar scent of daisies. "You're beautiful, Maya, but you don't need me to tell you that. I think you already know it."

Just as quickly as we got closer, she sits back into the booth, crossing her arms over her chest before she lets out an irritated sigh.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." She sighs again. "I guess maybe you really did take my advice."

My jaw drops open in shock. "Did you just test my level of dickness?"

"I had see to see." She shrugs, but the corners of her mouth are turning up into a smile. "You passed."

I laugh and shove another fry into my mouth, and suddenly I realize that I haven't felt anxiety this entire time here with her. For the first time I'm relaxed. I didn't even have to smoke weed like I normally do after practice.

Maya gets a text. She looks at it for a few seconds before she types a response back, bringing her eyes to mine again as she sets the phone to the side.

"Everything alright?"

She nods. "Yeah. Maddie just said she was going to spend the night tonight."

Damn. For a second I forgot Maddie was the reason we couldn't be together. For a second it was just her and I sitting alone in this booth, and it was perfect.

"I can take you back to your car. It's fine." I say when I see the look of disappointment on her face. She doesn't want this to end, and neither do I. "I'm assuming you have to go if she's on her way over, right?"

"Uh, yeah." She sighs and slides out of the booth, drumming her fingertips on the table as she waits for me to rise up beside her. "Ethan, can we just not mention that we went out to eat to Maddie? I had a great time tonight, but I don't want her to get the wrong idea. Not that there's even an idea to have, but I just-"

"Maya, it's fine." I reiterate, even though a surge of disappointment just stabbed me directly in the heart. She's not wrong for saying what she did. I just wish more than anything that things could be different. "And for the record, I had a great time tonight too."


Ok, I am loving the back story here guys. I hope you are too!!!!

Diving deep into Maya and Ethan's characters has been sooooo much fun!

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